On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 09:01:42AM +0530, Shriramana Sharma wrote:
> So the Ubuntu Wiki BtrFS entry advises against using subvol
> set-default because it boots its kernel using root=subvol=@ and home
> as subvol=@home, and these two subvols are only present under the
> subvol with ID 5. But isn't it just possible to move i.e. reparent a
> subvol so I can move these two under another subvol and have that as
> default?

Make a new subvolume called /root and just mount subvol=root
Note that you can't mount subvols recursively in one mount AFAIK.

This is what my system looks like:
LABEL=btrfs_pool1 /               btrfs    
subvol=root,defaults,compress=lzo,discard,skip_balance,noatime 0       0
LABEL=btrfs_pool1 /usr            btrfs    
subvol=usr,defaults,compress=lzo,discard,skip_balance,noatime  0       0
LABEL=btrfs_pool1 /var            btrfs    
subvol=var,defaults,compress=lzo,discard,skip_balance,noatime  0       0
LABEL=btrfs_pool1 /home           btrfs    
subvol=home,defaults,compress=lzo,discard,skip_balance,noatime 0       0
LABEL=btrfs_pool1 /tmp            btrfs    
subvol=tmp,defaults,compress=lzo,discard,skip_balance,noatime,noexec  0       0
LABEL=btrfs_pool1 /mnt/btrfs_pool1 btrfs   
defaults,compress=lzo,discard,skip_balance,noatime,subvolid=0         0       0

Hope this helps.

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