What are the chances that splitting all the large files up into sub
gig pieces, finish convert, then recombine them all will work?

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 3:03 PM, Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 4:04 PM, Gareth Pye <gar...@cerberos.id.au> wrote:
>> Yeah, we don't have that much space spare :(
>> File system has been going strong from when it was created with early
>> RAID5 code, then converted to RAID10 with kernel 3.12.
>> There aren't any nocow files to my knowledge but there are plenty of
>> files larger than a gig on the file system. The first few results from
>> logical-resolve have been for files in the 1G~2G range, so that could
>> be some sticky spaghetti.
> Are any of those big files in a snapshot? The snapshotting may be
> pinning a bunch of large extents, so even if it seems like the volume
> has enough space, it might actually be running out of space. All I can
> think of is progressively removing the files that are implicated in
> the conversion failure. That could mean just deleting older snapshots
> that you probably don't need, progressively getting to the point where
> you migrate those files off this fs to another one, and then delete
> them (all instances in all subvol/snapshots) and just keep trying.
> Is a btrfs check happy? Or does it complain about anything?
> I've had quite good luck just adding a drive (two drives for raid1/10
> volumes) to an existing btrfs volume, they don't have to be drdb, they
> can be local block devices, either physical drives or LV's. I've even
> done this with flash drives (kinda scary and slow but it worked).
> I'd still suggest contingency planning in case this volume becomes
> temperamental and you have no choice but to migrate it elsewhere.
> Better to do it on your timetable than the filesystem's.
> --
> Chris Murphy

Gareth Pye
Level 2 MTG Judge, Melbourne, Australia
"Dear God, I would like to file a bug report"
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