On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 9:01 PM, Qu Wenruo <quwen...@cn.fujitsu.com> wrote:

> Oh, converted...
> That's too bad. :(
> [[What's wrong with convert]]
> Although btrfs is flex enough in theory to fit itself into the free space of
> ext* and works fine,
> But in practice, ext* is too fragmental in the standard of btrfs, not to
> mention it also enables mixed-blockgroup.

There is an -f flag for mkfs to help users avoid accidents. Is there a
case to be made for btrfs-convert having either a -f flag, or an

"Convert has limitations that could increase risk to data, please see
the wiki. Continue? y/n"
"Convert has limitations, is not recommended for production usage,
please see the wiki. Continue? y/n"

It just seems users are jumping into convert without reading the wiki
warning. Is it a good idea to reduce problems for less experienced
users by actively discouraging btrfs-convert for production use?

Chris Murphy
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