On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 4:38 PM, Vincent Olivier <vinc...@up4.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think I might be having this problem too. 12 x 4TB RAID10 (original makefs, 
> not converted from ext or whatnot). Says it has ~6TiB left. Centos 7. Dual 
> Xeon CPU. 32GB RAM. ELRepo Kernel 4.1.5. Fstab options: 
> noatime,autodefrag,compress=zlib,space_cache,nossd,noauto,x-systemd.automount

Well I think others have suggested 3000 snapshots and quite a few
things will get very slow. But then also you have autodefrag and I
forget the interaction of this with many snapshots since the snapshot
aware defrag code was removed.

I'd say file a bug with the full details of the hardware from the
ground up to the Btrfs file system. And include as an attachment,
dmesg with sysrq+t during this "hang". Usually I see t asked if
there's just slowness/delays, and w if there's already a kernel
message saying there's a blocked task for 120 seconds.

Chris Murphy
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