I think you have stated that in a very polite and friendly way. I'm
pretty sure I'd phrase it less politely :)

Following mdadm's example of an easy option to allow degraded
mounting, but that shouldn't be the default. Anyone with the expertise
to set that option can be expected to implement a way of knowing that
the mount is degraded.

People tend to be looking at BTRFS for a guarantee that data doesn't
die when hardware does. Defaults that defeat that shouldn't be used.

On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 11:36 AM, Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:
> Anand Jain posted on Thu, 17 Sep 2015 23:18:36 +0800 as excerpted:
>>> What I expected to happen:
>>> I expected that the [btrfs raid1 data/metadata] system would either
>>> start as if nothing were wrong, or would warn me that one half of the
>>> mirror was missing and ask if I really wanted to start the system with
>>> the root array in a degraded state.
>> as of now it would/should start normally only when there is an entry
>> -o degraded
>> it looks like -o degraded is going to be a very obvious feature,
>> I have plans of making it a default feature, and provide -o nodegraded
>> feature instead. Thanks for comments if any.
> As Chris Murphy, I have my doubts about this, and think it's likely to
> cause as many unhappy users as it prevents.
> I'd definitely put -o nodegraded in my default options here, so it's not
> about me, but about all those others that would end up running a silently
> degraded system and have no idea until it's too late, as further devices
> have failed or the one single other available copy of something important
> (remember, still raid1 without N-mirrors option, unfortunately, so if a
> device drops out, that's now data/metadata with only a single valid copy
> regardless of the number of devices, and if it goes invalid...) fails
> checksum for whatever reason.
> And since it only /allows/ degraded, not forcing it, if admins or distros
> want it as the default, -o degraded can be added now.  Nothing's stopping
> them except lack of knowledge of the option, the *same* lack of knowledge
> that would potentially cause so much harm if the default were switched.
> Put it this way.  With the current default, if it fails and people have
> to ask about the unexpected failure here, no harm to existing data done,
> just add -o degraded and get on with things.  If -o degraded were made
> the default, failure mode would be *MUCH* worse, potential loss of the
> entire filesystem due to silent and thus uncorrected device loss and
> degraded mounting.
> So despite the inconvenience of less knowledgeable people losing the
> availability of the filesystem until they can read the wiki or ask about
> it here, I don't believe changing the default to -o degraded is wise, at
> all.
> --
> Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
> "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
> and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman
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Gareth Pye - blog.cerberos.id.au
Level 2 MTG Judge, Melbourne, Australia
"Dear God, I would like to file a bug report"
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