On 2015-11-18 13:53, linux-btrfs.tebu...@xoxy.net wrote:

P.S.: Just as user feedback: For /srv I'm using on the very same system
ZFS since the very first day. With snapshots & all the fancy stuff like
ZRAID-1, lz4, ... My number of Issues there: 0
Since other people have adequately answered the main questions, I'll just comment on this.

In general, ZFS is not a good comparison to BTRFS for anything but features. Just the open source version of ZFS has been around for more than a decade, and it existed as proprietary code for quite a while before that. As such, it's had a lot longer to stabilize, has had exponentially more testing, and in general is a lot more reliable. As such, aside from feature comparisons, ZFS is going to win in almost all tests of performance, reliability, and usability for the foreseeable future. This doesn't mean you shouldn't use BTRFS (ZFS got to where it is now exactly because _a lot_ of people use it), it just means you need to do a lot of homework, and ideally keep you system actually up to date (having all updates installed on Ubuntu doesn't really count in this case, they're pretty bad sometimes about not properly tracking upstream development (although they are significantly better than regular Debian)).

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