Thanks for that info, ram appears to be checking out fine and smartctl
reported that the drives are old but one had some form of elevated
error. Looks like I might be buying a new drive.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 9:01 PM, Duncan <> wrote:
> Gareth Pye posted on Wed, 02 Dec 2015 18:07:48 +1100 as excerpted:
>> Output from scrub:
>> sudo btrfs scrub start -Bd /data
> [Omitted no-error device reports.]
>> scrub device /dev/sdh (id 6) done
>>    scrub started at Wed Dec  2 07:04:08 2015 and finished after 06:47:22
>>    total bytes scrubbed: 1.09TiB with 2 errors
>>    error details: read=2
>>    corrected errors: 2, uncorrectable errors: 0, unverified errors: 30
> Also note those unverified errors...
> I have quite a bit of experience with btrfs scrub as I ran with a failing
> ssd for awhile, using btrfs scrub on the multiple btrfs raid1 filesystems
> on parallel partitions on the failing ssd and another good one to correct
> the errors and continue operations.
> Unverified errors are, I believe[1], errors where a metadata block
> holding checksums itself has an error, so the blocks its checksums in
> turn covered are not checksum-verified.
> What that means in practice is that once the first metadata block error
> has been corrected in a first scrub run, a second scrub run can now check
> the blocks that were recorded as unverified errors in the first run,
> potentially finding and hopefully fixing additional errors, tho unless
> the problem's extreme, most of the unverifieds should end up being
> correct once they can be verified, with only a few possible further
> errors found.
> Of course if some of these previously unverified blocks are themselves
> metadata blocks with further checksums, yet another run may be required.
> Fortunately, these trees are quite wide (121 items according to an old
> post from Hugo I found myself rereading a few hours ago) and thus don't
> tend to be very deep -- I think I ended up rerunning scrub four times at
> one point, before both read and unverified errors went to zero, tho
> that's on relatively small partitioned-up ssd filesystems of under 50 gig
> usable capacity (pair-raid1, 50 gig per device), so I could see terabyte-
> scale filesystems going to 6-7 levels.
> And, again on a btrfs raid1 with a known failing device -- several
> thousand redirected sectors by the time I gave up and btrfs replaced --
> generally each successive scrub run would return an order of magnitude or
> so fewer errors (corrected and unverified both) than the previous run,
> tho occasionally I'd hit a bad spot and the number would go up a bit in
> one run, before dropping an order of magnitude or so again on the next
> run.
> So with only two corrected read-errors and 30 unverified, I'd expect
> maybe another one or two corrected read-errors on a second run, and
> probably no unverifieds, in which case a third run shouldn't be necessary
> unless you just want the peace of mind of seeing that no errors found
> message.  Tho of course if you're unlucky, one of those 30 will turn out
> to be a a read error on a full 121-item metadata block, so your
> unverifieds will go up for that run, before going down again in
> subsequent runs.
> Of course with filesystems of under 50 gig capacity on fast ssds, a
> typical scrub ran in under a minute, so repeated scrubs to find and
> correct all errors wasn't a big deal, generally under 10 minutes
> including human response time.  On terabyte-scale spinning rust with
> scrubs taking hours, multiple scrubs could easily take a full 24-hour day
> or more! =:^(
> So now that you did one scrub and did find errors, you do probably want
> to trace them down and correct the problem if possible, before running
> further scrubs to find and exterminate any errors still hiding behind
> unverified in the first run.  But once you're reasonably confident you're
> running a reliable system again, you probably do want to run further
> scrubs until that unverified count goes to zero (assuming no
> uncorrectable errors in the mean time).
> ---
> [1] I'm not a dev and am not absolutely sure of the technical accuracy of
> this description, but from an admin's viewpoint it seems to be correct at
> least in practice, based on the fact that further scrubs as long as there
> were unverified errors often did find additional errors, while once the
> unverified count dropped to zero and the last read errors were corrected,
> further scrubs turned up no further errors.
> --
> Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
> "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
> and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman
> --
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Gareth Pye -
Level 2 MTG Judge, Melbourne, Australia
"Dear God, I would like to file a bug report"
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