On 2015-12-14 19:08, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
On Mon, 2015-12-14 at 08:23 -0500, Austin S. Hemmelgarn wrote:
The reason that this isn't quite as high of a concern is because
performing this attack requires either root access, or direct
access to the hardware, and in either case, your system is already
No necessarily.
Apart from the ATM image (where most people wouldn't call it
compromised, just because it's openly accessible on the street)
Um, no you don't have direct physical access to the hardware with an ATM, at least, not unless you are going to take apart the cover and anything else in your way (and probably set off internal alarms). And even without that, it's still possible to DoS an ATM without much effort. Most of them have a 3.5mm headphone jack for TTS for people with poor vision, and that's more than enough to overload at least part of the system with a relatively simple to put together bit of electronics that would cost you less than 10 USD.
imageine you're running a VM hosting service, where you allow users to
upload images and have them deployed.
In the cheap" case these will end up as regular files, where they
couldn't do any harm (even if colliding UUIDs)... but even there one
would have to expect, that the hypervisor admin may losetup them for
whichever reason.
But if you offer more professional services, you may give your clients
e.g. direct access to some storage backend, which are then probably
also seen on the host by its kernel.
And here we already have the case, that a client could remotely trigger
such collision.
In that particular situation, it's not relevant unless the host admin goes to mount them. UUID collisions are only an issue if the filesystems get mounted.

And remember, things only sounds far-fetched until it actually happens
the first time ;)

I still think that that isn't a sufficient excuse for not fixing the
issue, as there are a number of non-security related issues that can
result from this (there are some things that are common practice with
LVM or mdraid that can't be done with BTRFS because of this).
Sure, I guess we agree on that,...

Apart from that, btrfs should be a general purpose fs, and not just
desktop or server fs.
So edge cases like forensics (where it's common that you create
identical images) shouln't be forgotten either.
While I would normally agree, there are ways to work around this in
forensics case that don't work for any other case (namely, if BTRFS
built as a module, you can unmount everything, unload the module,
it, and only scan the devices you want).
see below (*)

On that note, why exactly is it better to make the filesystem UUID
an integral part of the filesystem?
Well I think it's a proper way to e.g. handle the multi-device case.
You have n devices, you want to differ them,... using a pseudo-random
UUID is surely better than giving them numbers.
That's debatable, the same issues are obviously present in both cases (individual numbers can collide too).
Same for the fs UUID, e.g. when used for mounting devices whose paths
aren't stable.
In the case of a sanely designed system using LVM for example, device paths are stable.

As said before, using the UUID isn't the problem - not protecting
against collisions is.
No, the issues are:
1. We assume that the UUID will be unique for the life of the filesystem, which is not a safe assumption.
2. We don't sanely handle things if it isn't unique.

The other thing I'm reading out of
this all, is that by writing a total of 64 bytes to a specific
in a single disk in a multi-device BTRFS filesystem, you can make the
whole filesystem fall apart, which is absolutely absurd.
Well,... I don't think that writing *into* the filesystem is covered by
common practise anymore.
For end users, I agree. Part of the discussion involves attacks on the system, and for a attacker it's not a far stretch to write directly to the block device if possible (and it's even common practice for bypassing permission checks done in the VFS layer).

In UNIX, a device (which holds the filesystem) is a file. Therefore one
can argue: if one copies/duplicates one file (i.e. the fs) neither of
the two's contents should get corrupted.
But if you actively write *into* the file by yourself,... then you're
simply on your own, either you know what you do, or just may just
corrupt *that* specific file. Of course it should again not lead to any
of it's clones or become corrupted as well.
My point is that by changing the UUID in a superblock (and properly updating the checksum for the superblock), you can trivially break a multi-device filesystem. And it's a whole lot easier to do that than it is to do the equivalent for LVM.

And some recovery situations (think along the lines of no recovery
and you only have busybox or something similar to work with).
(*) which is however also, why you may not be able to unmount the
device anymore or unload btrfs.
Maybe you have reasons you must/want to do any forensics in the running

AFAIK, there's not even a solution right now, that copies a
btrfs, with snapshots, etc. preserving all ref-links. At least
official that works in one command.
Send-receive kind of works for that
I've added the "in one command" for that... O:-)
In case the btrfs would have subvols/snapshots... the user would need
to make the recursion himself...

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