On Wed, 2015-12-16 at 09:36 +0800, Qu Wenruo wrote:
> One sad example is, we can't use 'norecovery' mount option to disable
> log replay in btrfs, as there is 'recovery' mount option already.
I think "norecovery" would anyway not really fit... the name should
rather indicated, that from the filesystem side, nothing changes the
underlying device's contents.
"norecovery" would just tell, that no recovery options would be tried,
however, any other changes (optimisations, etc.) could still go on.

David's "nowr" is already, better, though it could be misinterpreted as
no write/read (as wr being rw swapped), so perhaps "nowrites" would be
better... but that again may be considered just another name for "ro".

So perhaps one could do something that includes "dev", like "rodev",
"ro-dev", or "immuatable-dev"... or instead of "dev" "devs" to cover
multi-device cases.
OTOH, the devices aren't really set "ro" (as in blockdev --setro).

Maybe "nodevwrites" or "no-dev-writes" or one of these with "device"
not abbreviated?

Many programs have a "--dry-run" option, but I kinda don't liky
drymount or something like that.

Guess from the above, I'd personally like "nodevwrites" the most.

Oh and Qu's idea of coordinating that with the other filesystems is
surely good.


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