On Wed, 2015-12-16 at 07:57 -0500, Austin S. Hemmelgarn wrote:
> No, because we should ease the transition from other filesystems to
> the 
> greatest extent reasonably possible.  It should be clearly documented
> as 
> an alias for compatibility with ext{3,4}, and that it might go away
> in 
> the future.

Where's the need for an easy migration path? Such option wouldn't be
used by default and even if, people would need to change their
fstab/etc. anyway (ext->btrfs).

The note that things go away never really work out that easy... people
start to use it, rely on it... and sooner or later you have a situation
as with atime, that you basically never can get rid of it.

IMHO an alias here would be just ambiguous.


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