Hi there!

Im using btrfs since like 2.28 on my laptop without too many problems.

Now im thinking of going further and go for btrfs raid6 on my pc.
I dont mind to restore backups once in a while, but it should not be
like on a weekly basis.

Therefore my question: whats the status of raid5/6 is in btrfs?
Is it somehow "production"-ready by now?

As in: if used on / on my pc ... do you expect it to brick itself, if
the fs fills up, or a power cycle happens, or some other somehow common
error-case to a point where i will need to restore backups?

Jan Vales
I only read plaintext emails.

Someone @ irc://irc.fsinf.at:6667/tuwien
webIRC: https://frost.fsinf.at/iris/

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