On 2017-08-16 09:31, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
Just out of curiosity:

On Wed, 2017-08-16 at 09:12 -0400, Chris Mason wrote:
Btrfs couples the crcs with COW because

this (which sounds like you want it to stay coupled that way)...


It's possible to protect against all three without COW, but all
solutions have their own tradeoffs and this is the setup we
chose.  It's
easy to trust and easy to debug and at scale that really helps.

... this (which sounds more you think the checksumming is so helpful,
that it would be nice in the nodatacow as well).

What does that mean now? Things will stay as they are... or it may
become a goal to get checksumming for nodatacow (while of course still
retaining the possibility to disable both, datacow AND checksumming)?
It means that you have other options if you want this so badly that you need to keep pestering the developers about it but can't be arsed to try to code it yourself. Go try BTRFS on top of dm-integrity, or on a system with T10-DIF or T13-EPP support (which you should have access to given the amount of funding CERN gets), or even on a ZFS zvol if you're crazy enough. It works wonderfully in the first two cases, and reliably (but not efficiently) in the third, and all of them provide exactly what you want, plus the bonus that they do a slightly better job of differentiating between media and memory errors.

In general, production storage environments prefer clearly defined
errors when the storage has the wrong data.  EIOs happen often, and
want to be able to quickly pitch the bad data and replicate in good

Which would also rather point towards getting clear EIOs (and thus
checksumming) in the nodatacow case.
Except it isn't clear with nodatacow, because it might be a false positive.

My real goal is to make COW fast enough that we can leave it on for
database applications too.  Obviously I haven't quite finished that
yet ;)

Well the question is, even if you manage that sooner or later, will
everyone be fully satisfied by this?!
I've mentioned earlier on the list that I manage one of the many big
data/computing centres for LHC.
Our use case is typically big plain storage servers connected via some
higher level storage management system (http://dcache.org/)... with
mostly write once/read many.

So apart from some central DBs for the storage management system
itself, CoW is mostly no issue for us.
But I've talked to some friend at the local super computing centre and
they have rather general issues with CoW at their virtualisation
Like SUSE's snapper making many snapshots leading the storage images of
VMs apparently to explode (in terms of space usage).
SUSE is pathological case of brain-dead defaults. Snapper needs to either die or have some serious sense beat into it. When you turn off the automatic snapshot generation for everything but updates and set the retention policy to not keep almost everything, it's actually not bad at all.
For some of their storage backends there simply seem to be no de-
duplication available (or other reasons that prevent it's usage).
If the snapshots are being CoW'ed, then dedupe won't save them any space. Also, nodatacow is inherently at odds with reflinks used for dedupe.

 From that I'd guess there would be still people who want the nice
features of btrfs (snapshots, checksumming, etc.), while still being
able to nodatacow in specific cases.
Snapshots work fine with nodatacow, each block gets CoW'ed once when it's first written to, and then goes back to being NOCOW. The only caveat is that you probably want to defrag either once everything has been rewritten, or right after the snapshot.
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