On 2017-08-17 02:25, GWB wrote:
Or else it could be an argument that they
expect Btrfs to do their job while they watch cat videos from the
intertubes. :-)

My favourite quote from the list this week, and, well, obviously, that
is the main selling point of file systems like btrfs, zfs, and various
other lvm and raid set ups.  The need to free up time to watch cat
videos on the intertubes (whilst at work) has driven most
technological innovations, going back at least to the time of the
Roman Empire.

So, sure, I'll be happy to admit that I like it very much when a file
system or some other software or hardware component makes my job
easier (which gives me more time to watch cat videos).  But if hours
on hours of cat videos have taught me one thing, it is that
catastrophe (pun intended) awaits those who assume that btrfs (or zfs
or nilfs or whatever) will magically work well in all use cases.
Agreed, and I will comment that there are far more catastrophes caused by sysadmin complacency or not properly understanding what they're administering than almost anything else.

That may be what their customers assumed about btrfs, but did Red Hat
make that claim implicitly or explicitly?  I don't know, but it seems
unlikely, and all the things mentioned in this thread make sense to
me.  It looks like Red Hat is pushing "GFS" (Red Hat Global File
System) for its clustered file system:

Huh, I could have sworn they were pushing Gluster...

XFS is now the standard "on disk" fs for Red Hat, but I can't tell if
XFS is the DMU (backing file system or Data Management Unit) for GFS
(zfs is the dmu for lustre).  Probably, but why does GFS still has a
file size limit of 100TB, while XFS has a 500TB limit, according to
Red Hat?
GFS2 (which is what I think they're talking about) has it's own on-disk format, and actually works as a single-node filesystem. It's a lot closer to OCFS2 in terms of design than it is to Lustre, though I'm not sure if it needs shared storage or not.

Also, both of those file size 'limits' are customer support limits from what I can tell. XFS supports files (in theory at least) up to 8 EB minus one byte, and I'm not able to find any other documentation on this regarding GFS2, but I seriously doubt that it has a 100TB file size limit.


And btrfs is gone from that list.

So does this mean that Red Hat deprecating btrfs have a tangible
effect on its development, future improvements, and adoption?  It
doesn't help, but maybe its not too bad.  From reading the list, my
impression is that the typical Red Hat customer with large data arrays
might do fine running xfs over lvm2 over hardware raid (or at least
the customers who are paying attention to the monitor stats between
cat videos).  That's not for me, because I prefer mirrors, not
stripes, and "hot spares" that I can pull out of the enclosure, place
in another machine, and get running again (which points me back to
btrfs and zfs).  But it must work great for a lot of data silos.

On the plus side, btrfs is one of the backing file systems in ceph; on
the minus side, with Red Hat out, btrfs might lose some developers and

I'm pretty certain that Ceph has officially stopped recommending BTRFS as a backend filesystem. TBH, it was never that amazing of an idea to begin with, Ceph does a lot of the same things that BTRFS does, so you're replicating a not insignificant amount of work, and the big thing was really snapshot support anyway.

Also, I don't think I've ever seen any patches posted from a Red Hat address on the ML, so I don't think they were really all that involved in development to begin with.

As long as FaceBook keeps using btrfs, I wouldn't worry too much about
large firm adoption.  Chris (from facebook, post above) points out
that Facebook runs both xfs and btrfs as backing file systems for


And Gluster is... owned by Red Hat (since 2011), which now advertises
its "Red Hat Global File System", which would be... Gluster?  Chris,
is that right?  So Facebook runs Gluster (which might be Red Hat
Global File System) with both xfs and btrfs as the backing fs, and Red
Hat... advertises Red Hat GFS as a platform for Oracle RAC Database
Clustering.  But not (presumably) running with btrfs as the backing
fs, but rather xfs.  So could one Gluster "grid" run over two file
systems, xfs for the applications, and btrfs for the primary data
GFS and GlusterFS are different technologies, unless Red Hat's marketing department is trying to be actively deceptive.

GFS is a traditional cluster filesystem which requires fencing hardware and has it's own on-disk format. It originated on IRIX, got ported to Linux, got updated to GFS2 to add splice() support and a few other things, and hasn't seen much development from what I can tell since that happened in 2009 (at least, not much beyond standard bug fixes and maintenance).

GlusterFS is a more modern cluster filesystem design, uses separate backing storage (like Lustre and Ceph do), has the rather nice advantage that the layout on the back-end storage exactly replicates the layout in the GlusterFS volume (assuming you're just using replication), and doesn't require any special hardware. It also runs reasonably well on top of BTRFS, other than some scalability issues with directories with thousands of files in them (both Gluster and BTRFS have issues there, and they compound when used in a stack like this). It doesn't directly use any special functionality of BTRFS, although it in theory could make use of the snapshotting functionality (the current snapshot support in Gluster assumes the use of a backing FS that supports freezefs on top of LVM2).

So Oracle still supports btrfs.  Facebook still uses it.  And it would
be very funny if Red Hat GFS does use btrfs (eventually, at some point
in the future) as the backing fs, but their customers probably won't
notice the difference.
SUSE is also pretty actively involved in the development too, and I think Fujitsu is as well.

I'm not too worried.  I'll keep using btrfs as it is now, within the
limits of what it can consistently do, and do what I can to help
support the effort.  I'm not a file system coder, but I very much
appreciate the enormous amount of work that goes into btrfs.

Steady on, ButterFS people.  Back now to cat videos.
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