11.09.2017 21:17, Senén Vidal Blanco пишет:
> I am trying to implement a system that stores the data in a unit (A) with 
> BTRFS format that is untouchable and that future files and folders created or 
> modified are stored in another physical unit (B) with BTRFS format.
> Each year the new files will be moved to store A and start over.
> The idea is that a duplicate of disk A can be made to keep it in a safe place 
> and that the files stored there can not be modified until the mixture of (A) 
> and 
> (B) is made.

This can probably be achieved using seed device. Mark original device as
seed and all changes will go to another writable device, similar to
overlay; then remove seed bit from original device, "btrfs device remove
writable" device and it should relocate its content back. Rinse and repeat.

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