On 01/08/2018 04:55 PM, Austin S. Hemmelgarn wrote:

On 2018-01-08 11:20, ein wrote:

> On 01/08/2018 04:55 PM, Austin S. Hemmelgarn wrote:
> > [...]
> >
> > And here's the FAQ entry:
> >
> > Q: Do I need to run a balance regularly?
> >
> > A: In general usage, no. A full unfiltered balance typically takes a > > long time, and will rewrite huge amounts of data unnecessarily. You may > > wish to run a balance on metadata only (see Balance_Filters) if you find > > you have very large amounts of metadata space allocated but unused, but
> > this should be a last resort.
> IHMO three more sentencens and the answer would be more useful:
> 1. BTRFS balance command example with note check the man first.
> 2. What use case may cause 'large amounts of metadata space allocated
> but unused'.

That's kind of what I was thinking as well, but I'm hesitant to get too heavily into stuff along the lines of 'for use case X, do 1, for use case Y, do 2, etc', as that tends to result in pigeonholing (people just go with what sounds closest to their use case instead of trying to figure out what actually is best for their use case).

Ideally, I think it should be as generic as reasonably possible, possibly something along the lines of:

A: While not strictly necessary, running regular filtered balances (for example `btrfs balance start -dusage=50 -dlimit=2 -musage=50 -mlimit=4`, see `man btrfs-balance` for more info on what the options mean) can help keep a volume healthy by mitigating the things that typically cause ENOSPC errors. Full balances by contrast are long and expensive operations, and should be done only as a last resort.

As the BTRFS noob who started the conversation on netdata's Github issues, I'd like to describe my experience.

I got an alert that unallocated space on a BTRFS filesystem on one host was low. A netdata caption suggested btrfs-balance and directed me to its man page. But I found it hard to understand since I don't know how BTRFS works or its particular terminology. The FAQ was easier to understand but didn't help me find a solution to my problem.

It's a 420GiB NVMe with single data and metadata. It has a MariaDB datadir with an OLTP workload and a small GlusterFS brick for replicating filesystem with little activity. I recall that unallocated space was under 2G, metadata allocation was low, a few G and about 1/3 used. Data allocation was very large, almost everything else, with ~25% used.

Given the documentation and the usage stats, I did not know what options to use with balance. I spent some time reading and researching and trying to understand the filters and how they should relate to my situation. Eventually I abandoned that effort and ran balance without options.

While general recommendations about running balance would be welcome, what I needed was a dummy's guide to what the output of btrfs usage _means_ and how to use balance to tackle problems with it.

The other mystery is how the data allocation became so large.

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