On 2018-01-13 17:09, Chris Murphy wrote:
On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 11:24 AM, Austin S. Hemmelgarn
<ahferro...@gmail.com> wrote:

To that end, I propose the following text for the FAQ:

Q: Do I need to run a balance regularly?

A: While not strictly necessary for normal operations, running a filtered
balance regularly can help prevent your filesystem from ending up with
ENOSPC issues.  The following command run daily on each BTRFS volume should
be more than sufficient for most users:

`btrfs balance start -dusage=25 -dlimit=2..10 -musage=25 -mlimit=2..10`

Daily? Seems excessive.
For handling of chunks that are only 25% full and capping it at 10 chunks processed each for data and metadata? That's only (assuming I remember the max chunk size correctly) about 15GB of data being moved at the absolute most, and that will likely only happen in pathologically bad cases. In most cases it should be either nothing (in most cases) or about 768MB being shuffled around, and even on traditional hard drives that should complete insanely fast (barring impact from very large numbers of snapshots or use of qgroups).

If there are no chunks that match (or only one chunk), this finishes in at most a second with near zero disk I/O. If exactly two match (which should be the common case for most users when it matches at all), it should take at most a few seconds to complete, even on traditional hard drives. If more match, it will of course take longer, but it should be pretty rare that more than two match.

Given that, it really doesn't seem all that excessive to me. As a point of comparison, automated X.509 certificate renewal checks via certbot take more resources to perform when there's not a renewal due than this balance command takes when there's nothing to work on, and it's absolutely standard to run the X.509 checks daily despite the fact that weekly checks would still give no worse security (certbot will renew things well before they expire).

I've got multiple Btrfs file systems that I haven't balanced, full or
partial, in a year. And I have no problems. One is a laptop which
accumulates snapshots until roughly 25% free space remains and then
most of the snapshots are deleted, except the most recent few, all at
one time. I'm not experiencing any problems so far. The other is a NAS
and it's multiple copies, with maybe 100-200 snapshots. One backup
volume is 99% full, there's no more unallocated free space, I delete
snapshots only to make room for btrfs send receive to keep pushing the
most recent snapshot from the main volume to the backup. Again no
In the first case, you're dealing with a special configuration that makes most of this irrelevant most of the time (as I'm assuming things change _enough_ between snapshots that dumping most of them will completely empty out most of the chunks they were stored in).

In the second I'd have to say you've been lucky. I've personally never run a volume that close to full with BTRFS without balancing regularly and not had some kind of issue.

I really think suggestions this broad are just going to paper over
bugs or design flaws, we won't see as many bug reports and then real
problems won't get fixed.
So maybe we should fix things so that this is never needed? Yes, it's a workaround for a well known and documented design flaw (and yes, I consider the whole two-level allocator's handling of free space exhaustion to be a design flaw), but I don't see any patches forthcoming to fix it, so if we want to keep users around, we need to provide some way for them to mitigate the problems it can cause (otherwise we won't find any bugs because we won't have any users).

I also thing the time based method is too subjective. What about the
layout means a balance is needed? And if it's really a suggestion, why
isn't there a chron or systemd unit that just does this for the user,
in btrfs-progs, working and enabled by default? I really do not like
all this hand holding of Btrfs, it's not going to make it better.
For a filesystem you really have two generic possibilities for use cases:

1. It's designed for general purpose usage. Doesn't really excel at any thing in particular, but isn't really bad at anything either. 2. It's designed for a very specific use case. Does an amazing job for that particular use case and possibly for some similar ones, and may or may not do a reasonable job for other use cases.

Your comments here seem to imply that BTRFS falls under the second case, which is odd since most everything else I've seen implies that BTRFS fits the first case (or is trying to at least). In either case though, you need to provide something to deal with this particular design flaw.

In the first case, you _need_ to make it as easy as possible for people who have no understanding of computers to use. While needing balances from time to time is not exactly in-line with that, requiring people to try and judge based on the numbers whether or not a balance is warranted is even less in-line with it. By just telling people to automate it and give reasonable filters to the balance command, we remove the guesswork entirely, and make things far easier for people.

In the second case, it's generally more acceptable to require more work of the user, but making baseline prophylactic maintenance something that you can't trivially automate is still a bad idea (imagine how popular ZFS would be if you could only run scrubs manually).

That said, if you can find or write up a script that reliably does the math to check if a balance is needed and then actually runs it if it is, I would be more than happy to recommend that in the FAQ instead.

A full, unfiltered balance (one without any options passed in) is completely
unnecessary for normal usage of a filesystem.

That's good advice.
And so far it seems to be the one thing that everyone agrees on ;).
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