Hi Mark,

Mark Hatasaka wrote:

>  I'm working on a "Hello World" minimum Linux distribution.  As the name
> implies, the goal of this distribution is to create and document the smallest
> footprint Linux root file system that will support a TCP/IP server daemon.
> ... <snip>

I have done something similar last year. We have a control system based on
network distributed objects. I have developed a dedicated controller based on
PC/104. It runs our RPC / CORBA process and exports its I/O on the network.

In order to keep the software development environment homogeneous for our
software personnel, I decided to install on PC/104 the very same operating
system that they use on their workstations, i.e. SuSE Linux 5.3 w/ 2.0.35
kernel. I took the smallest installation possible from SuSE (96 MB) and I made
a "prune SuSE" out of it, 18 MB.

How it was done, is better explained in


Our future plans is to move to SuSE 6.1 / 2.2.x when it comes out and at the
same time RPM package the "prune SuSE" so that we can put that in our intranet
NFS-installation distribution, which allows easier upgrades on the field. The
other advantage for our institute is that we can have the same Linux platform
from a PC/104 controller to Linux Beowulf  cluster!

Continue the good work, especially the Java and the PERL part are interesting
to us too.


Petri Makijarvi - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (HTML OK) http://www.esrf.fr/computing/cs/sysadmin/rtk/
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