Another question on this subject: Is there any way to trap the event
of user pressing (and holding down) the OFF button? The good thing to
do would be to e.g. run a script unmounting all filesystems and
shutting down cleanly.

Maybe something could be done with the APM deamon (apmd)?


/Edin       <º))))><

"A man flattened by an opponent can get up again.
 A man flattened by conformity stays down for good." 
 (T. Watson Jr.)
On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, Gonda, Rumi wrote:

> has any one had any experience on how linux likes
> it when in an embedded environment if you pull the
> board out while it is still running?  It would be no 
> different, I  presume, then as if you unplugged your
> pc running linux.  When it rebooted it would do a
> file check and repair the disk?  Or is that really a
> big no no?  Are there other gotchas that one needs
> to be worried about?  
> thanks in advance for any information.  

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