> Gary A James wrote:? (Gary's message didn't make it to the list?)

I think the reason my message didn't make the list is because I've 
gotten used to sending stuff out out by hitting the "REPLY" button. 
The messages that I receive from this list don't have any "reply to" 

> :-) The list was not intended to be complete or exhaustive. I'm not
> familiar with CAN at all, I thought it was mainly used in the car
> industry?

CAN was originally designed for cars, but it's also used as the basis 
for DeviceNet which is used to tie low cost sensors to a PLC network. 
I think Prophibus (which is more popular in Europe) has a layer that 
can run on CAN too.

-_ Gary A James
-_ Critical Link, LLC         Voice:  315.425.4045 x218  
-_ 404 Oak St.                Fax:    315.425.4048    
-_ Syracuse, NY 13203     
-_ WEB:    http://www.criticallink.com
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