You wrote:
>I am looking for a list of files that will allow the system to boot
>Currently, I can boot to the M-Systems chip as single user .  With a
>normal boot, the login prompt shows but does not allow anyone, even
>root, to login (I've copied the passwd, shadow, tons of library files
>and pam.d stuff, but still no luck).

Unlikely your case, but here it goes...
When I moved my diskless from libc to glibc login all of a sudden
stopped to let anyone in. The problem appeared to be missing 
/lib/,,,,, (not reported by ldd)
and /etc/nsswitch.conf. 

Also, perhaps the following extract from my "Diskless-from-NT-mini-howto"
(can be found in distribution 
under name NT-Diskless-Terminal.txt) may be helpful in determining files

"Pruning standard distribution (RedHat, Debian, etc.) to your needs might be
very time 
consuming. To ease that painful process I have used remotely booted diskless
client with 
NFS-Root (see Etherboot's Readme, NFS-Root and NFS-Root-Client mini-HOWTO's,

- setup minimal RedHatX.X install (networked workstation, X, no development,
mail, etc., 
- find . -print|cpio -pmd /usr/NFS/ROOTFS - copy entire fs tree to NFS
exported dir;
- mknod /usr/NFS/ROOTFS/dev/nfsroot b 0 255;
- build vmlinuz-nfs kernel according to NFS-Howto (built-in
bootp,rarp,NFS,NFS root,NIC 
  driver,RAM disk);
- rdev vmlinuz-nfs /dev/nfsroot - to set NFS root device; 
- build image for NFS-Root fs:
  #mknbi -d rom -i rom -k vmlinuz-nfs -o nfsImage;
- boot client while monitoring NFS file requests (by Solaris snoop);
- copy files from /usr/NFS/ROOTFS to /usr/BOOT/ROOTFS (MRFS model) according
to snoop's
- generate image by mkrootnet script (don't forget to point to the right
kernel vmlinuz-nt).

The above trick not only allows to determine the sought files set but also
debug boot process analyzing NFS messages. I found it convenient to put
"read tmp" statements into 
init scripts for debugging. Tracking files up until issuing login gives you
<link to 
rootfs.gz> MRFS (~1MB) that can be used to boot Linux from ROM (flash,
eprom, DiskOnChip, 
SanDisk, etc.) as well. All the other files requested by client (during
starting X, Java, Java client) were put into (link to, ~9MB).


Pavel Tkatchouk

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