On Mon, 29 Jan 2001 21:39:02 +0100, Sukandar Kartadinata wrote:

>1. it should be even smaller, possibly to the point where I can carry it
>around on stage (or wilderness); operating it on batteries; with
>wireless sound transmission; or speakers on my back
>2. I want to connect sensors to an on-board multi-channel 12bit-ADC
>rather than connecting them to yet another little sensor box with yet
>another wall wart talking yet again via MIDI (duh) to yet another
>MIDI-USB interface connected to a laptop
>3. same story for audio interfaces; options for multi-channel, digital
>I/O, high quality conversion preferred

>Ethernet, serial

Well we have a device in the works that is not exactly but semi-close.  Not sure if it 
work for you. It's for a specific customer but I might be able to cut you some deal on 
proto or one that comes off production that didn't pass enough QA to go out the door.

It's a 400Mhz Pentium Celeron SBC with a couple of serial ports and  PCMCIA port.  
we are currently going to run the system buss at 66Mhz it should be able to support a 
system bus.  At least we *tried* to lay it out to support 100Mhz.  The PCMCIA port is 
for a 
802.11 wireless network card.  It's got 1 Meg of flash on board for bootloading but 
are HD connectors so you could eaisly connect up an IBM microdrive if you wanted more 

Currently the flash bootloader is only for booting up and then net-booting.  It 
its root fs and a full linux kernel into RAM and then restarts using the new image.

Dosen't have any A/D and I am not sure how you would get it there...  It does have a 
port so you could hook up A/D that way... Shouldn't need any external power for the A/D

>did I mention that it should be cheap...

This would be in the $500 range with 64Megs of RAM. Thats board only, no case, no 
powersupply (needs 3.3, 5, and 12) or any extras. 

>sorry if this all sounds a little weird, but my familiar mailing lists
>(music-dsp & linux-audio-dev) are not that much into 'embedded'

Richard A. Smith                         Bitworks, Inc.               
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               501.846.5777                        
Sr. Design Engineer        http://www.bitworks.com   

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