On Fri, 16 Mar 2001, Burak Aydin wrote:

> I have made small linux system (nearly 4 MBytes) that runs on a DOM
> (Disk On Module) with the help of the "Linux Bootdisk HOWTO document".

It could be a number of things...

> After "login" prompt, no "password" prompt comes to the screen and
> whatever I write to the username login fails. As seen below:
> "login: root
> Login Incorrect
> login: "

You aren't getting a password: prompt because the root account doesn't
have a password set in /etc/password.

I can think of two reasons why you're getting "Login Incorrect", and I'm
sure there are more. 

One is that somewhere in PAM-land is a setting of "auth" for the "login"
application that does NOT allow "nullok", i.e., an empty password.

Another (and it may be a setting is PAM) is that there are no
pseudo-tty's set in "/etc/securetty".  securetty defines which ttys that
root can log in to.  In a server (or even workstations), its usually bad
to allow root to login over the network.  But when developing a system,
you could relax this restriction (maybe).  So add ttyp0 - ttyp9 to your
securetty file.


Jeremy Impson
Sr. Associate Network Engineer
Advanced Technologies Department
Lockheed Martin Systems Integration
phone: 607-751-5618
fax:   607-751-6025

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