You indicate that /etc/pam.conf is correct, but what about the other
configuration data used by the various pam modules that you may have
included in the stanza for "login"?
For instance, pam_securetty.so uses (by default) /etc/securetty, and
pam_console.so uses (by default) /etc/security/console.perms. In other
words - have you included all necessary configuration data?
Another thing - do you have all required pam modules that you specify in
the login stanza, and did you have the solibs needed by "login"
( for instance, RH6.2 login needs [among other libs]: libpam.so and
libpam_misc.so)? I might suggest that it may be simpler, if you really
don't need the strength of pam, to just use something such as TinyLogin.
This is small and can use just shadow (or nonshadow) password
authentication  and incorporates su, login, getty, passwd, adduser,
addgroup, and several other utilities into one executable. This can save
you additional space and complexity. 
Good luck.

On Fri, 16 Mar 2001, Burak Aydin wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I have made small linux system (nearly 4 MBytes) that runs on a DOM
> (Disk On Module)
> with the help of the "Linux Bootdisk HOWTO document".
> Although I have done all the configuration details that is told in the
> document, I have a problem about loginning on to my linux.
> After "login" prompt, no "password" prompt comes to the screen and
> whatever I write to the username login fails. As seen below:
> "login: root
> Login Incorrect
> login: "
> /etc/pam.conf         PAM (pluggable authentication modules), 
> /etc/password
> configurations seem correct. Also the binaries are working (no problem
> in the libraries). But i cannot find where the problem is. 
> I'll be glad if somebody can help me about this login problem
> In advance thank you for your help.
> NOTE: when i remove /sbin/init program, the system cannot start a login
> process and runs a shell on the default console. Everything is working
> on my system except the login process. 

George Fouse, President  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Quantum Technology Associates

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