Hi All,

We confirmed that an error of pgsql occurred by the setting that we did not use 
logd for.
When we use a syslog, this occurs.
And when $OCF_RESKEY_config is handled by default, an error occurs when 
meta-data processing is
 * OCF_RESKEY_config of the user will not be /var/lib/pgsql/data in many cases.

Aug 19 11:34:09 srv01 crmd: [9317]: info: match_graph_event: Action 
(10) confirmed on srv01 (rc=0)
Aug 19 11:34:09 srv01 pgsql[9870]: INFO: could not change directory to 
server starting
Aug 19 11:34:09 srv01 pgsql[9870]: INFO: PostgreSQL start command sent.
Aug 19 11:34:09 srv01 pgsql[9870]: INFO: PostgreSQL is down
Aug 19 11:34:10 srv01 pgsql[9870]: INFO: PostgreSQL is started.
Aug 19 11:34:10 srv01 pgsql[9975]: ERROR: Cannot find configuration file
/var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf ----> ***** An error of the meta-data 
processing after the start
Aug 19 11:35:09 srv01 pgsql[10526]: ERROR: Cannot find configuration file
/var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf ----> ***** An error of the  lrmadmin -M 
ocf pgsql heartbeat

Even if pgsql treats OCF_RESKEY_config by meta-data processing, there is not a 
Because OCF_RESKEY_config is because it is not set.

 * ha.cf

pacemaker on
#use_logd on
debug 0
udpport 694
keepalive 2
warntime 20
deadtime 24
initdead 48
logfacility local1

The pgsql analyze a config file by get_pgsql_param processing.
There is the problem in this analysis.

Two revisions think me to be thought.

Pattern 1) A method to choose analysis of config file in an ocf parameter.
 * For example, add a parameter of parse_config to pgsql.
 * Because many users do not need analysis of config file.

Pattern 2) By a call except start,monitor,status,stop,  pgsql do not do 
get_pgsql_param processing.

It is the problem that I limited when cluster do not use logd, but please 
please tell an opinion of
all of you.

Best Regards,
Hideo Yamauchi.

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