Great, I'll give it a try thanks for the input

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 1:09 PM, Cnut Jansen <> wrote:
> Am 30.09.2010 09:49, schrieb Jonathan Petersson:
>> deb-fw1:~# ocf-tester -L -n conntrackd
>> /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/conntrackd
>> Using lrmd/lrmadmin for all tests
>> Beginning tests for /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/conntrackd...
>> * rc=0: Monitoring a stopped resource should return 7
>> * Your agent does not support the notify action (optional)
>> * Your agent does not support the demote action (optional)
>> * Your agent does not support the promote action (optional)
>> * Your agent does not support master/slave (optional)
>> * rc=0: Monitoring a stopped resource should return 7
>> * rc=0: Monitoring a stopped resource should return 7
>> * rc=0: Monitoring a stopped resource should return 7
>> Tests failed: /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/conntrackd failed 4 tests
>> Not 100% sure codewise what I should change.
>> Maybe it would make sense to add master/slave to handle the
>> state-transition and have start/stop handle whether the daemon is
>> alive or not. However I'm not entirely sure how the crm configuration
>> statement for this should look given that the daemon should be started
>> on both nodes running in either master or slave mode, do you have an
>> example for this?
> Hi,
> without having had a look onto your RA and its necessary parameters etc.
> at all yet:
> I had similiar issues with my Tomcat6- and Apache-RAs, though they
> worked without problems in the cluster. When I had the time and ambition
> to finally also make them ocf-tester-compliant (meanwhile they are
> anyway, without special additional handlers for the ocf-tester), I could
> track problems down to various timing issues. Not only that back at that
> time I still used start-delay for the monitor-op in the cluster (because
> back then I didn't check and wait for i.e. Tomcat being operational in
> start-action respectively not anymore and all files being closed in
> stop-action yet), but also exspecially that ocf-tester didn't set i.e. a
> $OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_timeout, on which my RA back then still depended on
> for its monitor-action (now it's not anymore, but back then I was still
> eager about allways cleanly exiting with at least an OCF_ERR_* too,
> instead of just simply letting it time out and having Pacemaker handle
> that situation (-; ).
> Also - since I don't know about your RA's parameters, but at least for
> mine it helped, due to some not-up-to-date-anymore-defaults - it might
> be necessary to tell ocf-tester to pass over some OCF-parameters, to
> have them available as $OCF_RESKEY_*. You do that with the "-o"-option
> to ocf-tester, like
>        -o log_level="debug"
> to have ocf-tester set an env.-var. $OCF_RESKEY_log_level with the value
> "debug".
> This was my complete command for calling ocf-tester back then, long time
> ago (i.e. still includes my switch for special ocf-tester-handler,
> etc.): (-;
> ocf-tester -n testTom -o log_debug="/tmp/debug-tomcat.log" -o
> monitor_timeoutPerTry="5" -o monitor_precheckDB="1" -o log_level="debug"
> -o stopith_enabled="1" -o
> monitor_url="http://localhost:8080/opencms/opencms/test/cluster.html"; -o
> agent_timebuffer="4000" -o ocftester="y" /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/cj/tomcat
> Hope that helps you a little on making ocf-tester accept your RA too. (-;
> Cnut Jansen
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