On 2007-04-10T11:56:59, Michael Schwartzkopff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > At the moment I would like to have that parameter since interop between
> > > LVS and CLUSTERIP is not tested at all. After these tests we can drop it.
> > One can't simply drop a parameter once introduced.
> Why not? My script is still marked alpha and not intended for production use. 
> If it getts better variables get fixed.

True, but that means I can't just pull your changes in ;-) For the final
version, this should probably be removed. It seems we agree on this

> > LVS vs clusterip is a good point, but that doesn't depend on this
> > setting, does it? As long as it's detected by the script as above.
> >
> > LVS doesn't work with the clusterip anyway, so that's not really a
> > problem.
> But I did not test what happens if the user configures both.

Just reject it and error out then - lvs_support doesn't work in clone
mode, that is fine.

The load_share parameter doesn't convey any additional meaning than
configuring it as a clone (or not). Cloning an IPaddr2 resource only
makes sense as a clusterip target.

> Per-node ordering might be not the right way. Think about the following. Four 
> clones on four machines. Machine 3 dies and the first one has to take over. 
> 1) Resource 1 is shout down
> 2) Resource 1 is started
> 3) Resource 3 is started.
> Between 1) and 2) there is no connectivity for resource 1.

Uhm. Of course. Machine 3 has just died. Of course there's no
connectivity until it is restarted.

> This might be up to several seconds, which is not acceptable in my
> oppinion.

But, there also won't be any IP rejects/denied being send, as none of
the other node replies to that specific hash bucket yet. So, it'll look
like a brief delay only.

> Is would be better just to start resource 3 on node 1.

That's what happens. If node3 crashed, we obviously don't stop the
resource - that's implied in the node hosting the resource being gone &

> Basically there is no big difference between per-node ordering and global 
> ordering.

There's a big difference for your case, though. No concurrent
invocations for the same clone on the same node, so you don't need to do
any locking in your script.

I don't see how your suggestion improves availability.


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