
Just like to know your opinion about the following. A pure Linux shop
would of course definitely go for Heartbeat as the solution for high
availability. However, in an environment that comes from Novell's
NetWare, Novell Cluster Services (NCS) would be the best choice,
especially if running OESv1 that runs on top of SUSE Linux Enterprise
Server (SLES) 9. Now in the upcoming Open Enterprise Server 2, which
runs on top of SLES 10, it appears that customers do have a choice
between Heartbeat from the SLES stack, or NCS from the OES stack. Does
anyone have thoughts about that? For example, when clustering something
like Novell GroupWise in a shop that wants to implement OESv2 later this
year, to me personally, Heartbeat seems the better choice, since it has
much more features. What I'd like to know, is there any particular
reason why in the upcoming OESv2 one would still choose NCS? (Except for
backward compatibility of course)


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