Well, in 2.1.3 quorum server seems not to work. I really need it for a DR 
cluster but I'm not able to make it work. The certs are ok, Heartbeat connects 
to the quorum server to obtain quorum but it seems that the quorum server does 
not return anything or returns invalid quorum. The result is resources cannot 
run anywhere due to lack of quorum.

As I understand Quorum server is not part of the cluster. Heartbeat does not 
have to start it. One quorum server can serve many clusters.

Quorum server is not SPOF. Heartbeat contacts the quorum server only when 
change in the membership is detected, for e.g. a member node has been 
disconnected. Under normal conditions the quorum server is not contacted. 

HA_quorum variable shows which quorum plugin should heartbeat use (Majority is 
the default one). How exactly it works I don't know. It seems that nobody knows 
anything about the quorum server except its creator. Alan R. is teh author as 
I've been told. Also there are some quorum server concept disagreements. 

If anyone knows anything more about the quorum server please share it with us. 

Atanas Dyulgerov

 >-------- Оригинално писмо --------
 >От:  Michael Schwartzkopff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >Относно: Re: [Linux-HA] quorumd - is anyone using it?
 >До: General Linux-HA mailing list <linux-ha@lists.linux-ha.org>
 >Изпратено на: Четвъртък, 2008, Февруари 21 19:28:45 EET
 >Lars Marowsky-Bree schrieb:
 >> Hi all,
 >> is anyone actually using the quorum daemon?
 >> My assessment seems to suggest that it is not workable in any scenario;
 >> but maybe I have missed something?
 >> If not and I'm right, I am afraid that users might actually deploy it,
 >> thinking it solves something and then be very upset when it fails under
 >> fire. Possibly, the prudent action at this time is to disable it from
 >> the package and build by default, until it is completed.
 >> Regards,
 >>     Lars
 >I would like to give it a try if somebody could explain me how it works.
 >Please see my post to this list from Feb, 5th.
 >Linux-HA mailing list
 >See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems
Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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