On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 9:21 PM, www.tiri.li high availability
> Hi Dejan,
>  thanks for your answer.
>  I need the following -- is this possible with heartbeat ? how?
>    the httpd on all nodes MAY ONLY BE STARTED if
>    ALL MYSQL on ALL NODES are running

I dont believe this is possible

>    (I need this for testing purposes and initialization)
>      (how can be defined to start mysql on node1,
>       then mysql on node2 if node1-mysql is running,
>       then mysql on node3 if node2-mysql and node1-mysql are running).
>    when mysql on one node dies httpd on this (and only on this) node should
>    shutdown
>    when httpd on one node fails mysql should run further
>  NEVER should down
>    whole httpd or whole mysql when one node fails
>  How could this be achieved ?
>  Thanks again in advance.
>  Thomas.
>  Zitat von Dejan Muhamedagic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  > Hi,
>  >
>  > On Sun, Feb 17, 2008 at 10:25:56PM +0100, www.tiri.li high
>  > availability wrote:
>  >> Attached you find my config for a 4node cluster with
>  >> the resource for mysql and httpd for the nodes clu01..clu03, and
>  >> a configuration for "never run mysql+httpd on clu00".
>  >>
>  >> This works.
>  >>
>  >> But when I now (via hb_gui) stop the resource rip_httpd:1 then all of
>  >> real_mysql are restarted and real_httpd is stopped completely.
>  >>
>  >> What should be changed to get
>  >>
>  >>  - if rip_httpd:0 is stopped, then only rip_mysql:0 should be stopped
>  >>  - if rip_httpd:1 is stopped, then only rip_mysql:1 should be stopped
>  >>  - if rip_httpd:2 is stopped, then only rip_mysql:2 should be stopped
>  >
>  > Don't think that you could (or even should) reference the clone
>  > instances in the configuration. Managing them could be OK if
>  > really needed.
>  >
>  >> If I perform a "start default" on "real_httpd" then real_mysql is being
>  >> restarted and real_httpd is running after that fine.
>  >>
>  >> If I perform a stop on rip_mysql:0 the real_httpd is being restarted
>  >> and running fine but real_mysql is being shutdown completely after this.
>  >> But this may not happen, because of the order first mysql then httpd,
>  >> so IMHO real_httpd should be dead as well. (but please only on the node
>  >> where rip_mysql fails).
>  >
>  > Why don't you put the apache and mysql in a group? Then clone the
>  > group. Could that help? If you describe what you want to achieve
>  > ...
>  >
>  > Thanks,
>  >
>  > Dejan
>  >
>  >> Thanks for your help in advance.
>  >>
>  >> Thomas.
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