
I'm currently looking for  a suitable stonith solution for our environment:

1. We have three cluster nodes running OpenSuSE 10.3 with corosync and 
2. The nodes reside on two VMware ESXi-Servers ( v. 4.1.0) in two locations, 
where one VMware Server hosts two, the other hosts one node of our cluster.
3. We will finally have a shared storage, which might or might not be under our 
governance (this depends on the respective customer).

I examined some stonith methods, with the following results (and I'd like to 
have your opinion to my conclusions):

- (2) rules out any stonith-method, that relies on a power switch or a UPS, as 
the nodes are in no way physically connected to a power circuit.
- (3) rules out sbd, as this method requires access to a physical device, that 
offers the shared storage. Am I right? The manual explicitly says, that sbd may 
even not be used on a DRBD-Partition. Question: Is there a way to insert the 
sbd-Header on a mounted drive instead of a physical partition? Are there any 
other methods of ressource fencing besides sbd?
- (2) is not compatible with the vmware-stonith method, as it requires the 
vmware-host to be reachable via one single IP-Adress. This isn't the case in 
our szenario, the ESXi is not clustered. Question: Has anyone of you modified 
the vmware-stonith script to fit to a set up similar to ours?
- the ssh-method is said to be not the wisest idea, as it requires the host to 
respond to ssh-requests. If the SSH-Daemon hangs or the cluster runs into a 
split-brain, this might not be the case anymore. Any other  opinions?

This, finally, leaves only one method: The suicide. Again, the SuSE HAE-manual 
claims that this method is not suitable for production environments because 
"This requires action by the node's operating system and can fail under certain 
circumstances. Therefore avoid using this device whenever possible."

Well, as far as I'm concerned, letting a node shut itself down does not seem 
that a bad idea. How's your experience with this method?

Final Question: Have I missed any suitable method? Are there any other concepts 
of fencing / stonith, which I should give a closer look?

Thanks in advance for all your answer (and I can well live with a "RTFM", as 
long as you point me to the fine manual),


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