
On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 09:55:00AM +0000, Stallmann, Andreas wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm currently looking for  a suitable stonith solution for our environment:
> 1. We have three cluster nodes running OpenSuSE 10.3 with corosync and 
> pacemaker.
> 2. The nodes reside on two VMware ESXi-Servers ( v. 4.1.0) in two locations, 
> where one VMware Server hosts two, the other hosts one node of our cluster.
> 3. We will finally have a shared storage, which might or might not be under 
> our governance (this depends on the respective customer).
> I examined some stonith methods, with the following results (and I'd like to 
> have your opinion to my conclusions):
> - (2) rules out any stonith-method, that relies on a power switch or a UPS, 
> as the nodes are in no way physically connected to a power circuit.
> - (3) rules out sbd, as this method requires access to a physical device, 
> that offers the shared storage. Am I right? The manual explicitly says, that 
> sbd may even not be used on a DRBD-Partition. Question: Is there a way to 
> insert the sbd-Header on a mounted drive instead of a physical partition? Are 
> there any other methods of ressource fencing besides sbd?

The only requirement for sbd is to have a dedicated disk on
shared storage. That disk (or partition, if you will) doesn't
need to be big (1MB is enough). I don't see how (3) then is an

> - (2) is not compatible with the vmware-stonith method, as it requires the 
> vmware-host to be reachable via one single IP-Adress. This isn't the case in 
> our szenario, the ESXi is not clustered. Question: Has anyone of you modified 
> the vmware-stonith script to fit to a set up similar to ours?
> - the ssh-method is said to be not the wisest idea, as it requires the host 
> to respond to ssh-requests. If the SSH-Daemon hangs or the cluster runs into 
> a split-brain, this might not be the case anymore. Any other  opinions?
> This, finally, leaves only one method: The suicide. Again, the SuSE 
> HAE-manual claims that this method is not suitable for production 
> environments because "This requires action by the node's operating system and 
> can fail under certain circumstances. Therefore avoid using this device 
> whenever possible."
> Well, as far as I'm concerned, letting a node shut itself down does not seem 
> that a bad idea. How's your experience with this method?

No way telling if the suicide succeeded or not.

> Final Question: Have I missed any suitable method? Are there any other 
> concepts of fencing / stonith, which I should give a closer look?

There's also external/libvirt which hasn't been in any release
yet, but seems to be of very good quality. You can get it here:


and just put it into /usr/lib64/stonith/plugins/external

> Thanks in advance for all your answer (and I can well live with a "RTFM", as 
> long as you point me to the fine manual),

There's a document on fencing at http://clusterlabs.org



> Andreas
> ------------------------
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