
>----- Forwarded message from Dejan Muhamedagic <deja...@fastmail.fm>
>Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2011 12:38:57 +0200
>From: Dejan Muhamedagic <deja...@fastmail.fm>
>To: General Linux-HA mailing list <linux-ha@lists.linux-ha.org>
>Reply-To: General Linux-HA mailing list <linux-ha@lists.linux-ha.org>
>Subject: Re: [Linux-HA] Antw: Re:  Making crm quit (#2)
>On Thu, Apr 07, 2011 at 08:50:45AM +0200, Ulrich Windl wrote:  
>> >>> Dejan Muhamedagic <deja...@fastmail.fm> schrieb am 06.04.2011 um
>> >>> 16:48 in  
>> Nachricht <20110406144816.GC3673@squib>:  
>> BTW: Is anybody from Novell/SUSE listening? I found several errors
>> in their "High Availability Guide" I'd like to share with them...  

> Well, I am :) I'll enquire about the right place to send your

The following feedback channels are available (see also the Feedback
section in the preface of our manuals):

   To report bugs for a product component, please use
   (If you already have a Bugzilla account, just file a bug or an
    enhancement request against the Documentation component for the
    respective product). 

User Comments:
    Go to http://www.novell.com/documentation/sle_ha where the
    documentation for SLE HA 11 (SP*) is hosted. View the HTML
    version of the documentation and navigate to the page where you
    have spotted an error or would like to suggest adjustments. Click
    the "Add comment" link at the bottom of the page and insert your
    comment. If you are interested in getting feedback, provide your
    name and email address. Your comment is directly routed to our team.

Apart from that, we are also available via IRC (#opensuse-doc on
freenode) or via opensuse-...@opensuse.org. 

Thanks & regards

Tanja Roth, Documentation
Novell/SUSE LINUX Products GmbH
Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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