On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 09:55:00AM -0700, Randy Katz wrote:
> ps - I searched a lot online and I see this issue coming up,

I doubt that _this_ issue comes up that often ;-)

> and then after about 3-4 emails they request the resources and
> constraints and then there is never an answer to the thread, why?!

Hey, it's not even a day since you provided the config.
People have day jobs.
People get _payed_ to do support on these kinds of things,
so they probably first deal with requests by paying customers.

If you need SLAs, you may need to check out a support contranct.

Otherwise you need to be patient.

>From what I read, you probably just have misunderstood some concepts.

"Standby" is not what I think you think it is ;-)

"Standby" is NOT for deciding where resources will be placed.

"Standby" is for manually switching a node into a mode where it WILL NOT
run any resources. And it WILL NOT leave that state by itself.
It is not supposed to.

You switch a node into standby if you want to do maintenance on that
node, do major software, system or hardware upgrades, or otherwise
expect that it won't be useful to run resources there.

It won't even run DRBD secondaries.
It will run nothing there.

If you want automatic failover, DO NOT put your nodes in standby.
Because, if you do, they can not take over resources.

You have to have your nodes online for any kind of failover to happen.

If you want to have a "preferred" location for your resources,
use location constraints.

Does that help?

: Lars Ellenberg
: LINBIT | Your Way to High Availability
: DRBD/HA support and consulting http://www.linbit.com

DRBD® and LINBIT® are registered trademarks of LINBIT, Austria.
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