
On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 6:06 PM,  <alain.mou...@bull.net> wrote:
> Hi
> I have this simple configuration of locations and orders between resources
> group-1 , group-2 and clone-1
> (on a two nodes ha cluster with Pacemaker-1.1.2-7 /corosync-1.2.3-21) :
> location loc1-group-1   group-1 +100: node2
> location loc1-group-2   group-2 +100: node3
> order order-group-1   inf: group-1   clone-1
> order order-group-2   inf: group-2   clone-1
> property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
>        dc-version="1.1.2-f059ec7ced7a86f18e5490b67ebf4a0b963bccfe" \
>        cluster-infrastructure="openais" \
>        expected-quorum-votes="2" \
>        stonith-enabled="true" \
>        no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
>        default-resource-stickiness="5000" \

I use it as:
rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" \
Instead of:
property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
And the behavior is the expected one, no failback.


> (and no current cli- preferences)
> When I stop the node2, the group-1 is well migrated on node3
> But when node2 is up again, and that I start Pacemaker again on node2,
> the group-1 automatically comes back on node2 , and I wonder why ?
> I have other similar configuration with same location constraints and same
> default-resource-stickiness value, but without order with a clone
> resource,
> and the group does not come back automatically. But I don't understand why
> this order constraint would change this behavior ...
> Thanks for your help
> Alain Moullé
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