On 3/24/13 12:58 PM, Robinson, Eric wrote:
> In the simplest terms, we currently have resources:
> A = drbd
> B = filesystem
> C = cluster IP
> D thru J = mysql instances.
> Resource group G1 consists of resources B through J, in that order, and is 
> dependent on resource A.
> This fails over fine, but it has the serious disadvantage that if you stop or 
> remove a mysql resource in the middle of the list, all of the ones after it 
> stop too. For example, if you stop G, then H thru J stop as well.
> We want to change it so that the resource group G1 consists only of resources 
> B & C. All of the mysql instances (D thru J) are individually dependent on 
> group G1, but not dependent on each other. That way you can stop or remove a 
> mysql resource without affecting the others.
> I saw this scenario described in the Pacemaker docs, but I cannot find an 
> example of the syntax.
Try adding this to the group:

   meta ordered="false"

Or you could take the MySQL instances out of the group and make them 
each individually dependent on drbd/filesystem with a collocation/order 

Also, you might want to use lrmadmin to set 'max_children' to something 
more than 4, otherwise it'll only startup 4 MySQL instances at once. 
Obviously dependent upon how much horsepower you have, but we set it to 
32 or 64 (although most of our resources are just IPaddr).
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