On 24/11/14 07:15 AM, Fabio M. Di Nitto wrote:

On 11/24/2014 1:08 PM, Lars Marowsky-Bree wrote:
On 2014-11-24T06:59:39, Digimer <li...@alteeve.ca> wrote:

The LINBIT folks suggested to land in Vienna and then it's two hours by
road, but I've not looked too closely at it just yet.

I'd be happy to meet in Vienna. I'm not keen on first flying to VIE and
then spending 2+h on the road/bus.

(Vienna is actually a lot better for me than even Prague; direct
flights ;-)

Once we get confirmation that the meeting is on, perhaps a pre-meeting
in a convenient city for $drinks before travel would be nice. There
must be a train available, too... I mean, in the west, we hear always
about Europe's excellent public transit... ;)

Well, yes, there is a train, but from Berlin, it's almost 8 hours.

If everyone is routing through either VIE or PRG, it'd just be a lot
saner to have this meeting there; the RHT folks can always travel on.

Frankly, Brno is reasonably inconvenient for international travellers.

Either fly to Prague or Vienna and then it´s a 2 hours train or bus ride.

 From Vienna the bus leaves straight from the airport and arrives in Brno

Other cities are not an option for me for a meet up. It has to be Brno,
even if it´s a bit more inconvenient for the 2 extra hours of transport.


My daily train to work is 2 hours, so VIE -> Brno is all the same to me. I am hoping to visit others in Vienna, so this is most likely the route I will take. A train from the airport to Brno sounds really quite convenient, actually.

Is there wifi on this bus, do you know? If not, any advice for a short-term SIM with a data plan? I don't expect I'd need more that 1~2 GB over the trip.

Prepare your liver, boys. Digimer is coming to town. :D

(I kid... mostly)


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