On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, david ber wrote:

} Hi there.
} I am using Slackware kernel 2.0.35 and ax25-utils-2.1.42a.

        I think you should get the 2.0.36 kernel and compile it on your
computer. Then kissattach will work properly. I assume your Kam is on com
port 1.

}  I just compile ax25 utils and try to attach my TNC Kantronics KAM Plus and
} got the following:
}  # kissattach -i /dev/ttyS0 vhf
}  kissattach: TIOCSETD: Invalid argument
} My axports file for the single mode is as follows:
} # /etc/ax25/axports
} #
} # The format of this file is:
} #
} # name callsign speed paclen window description
} #
} vhf  OA4DCF-1   1200 255 2 vhf_freq (1200 bps)
}  I donīt know what the problem is. I have been looking for the message and I
} canīt find any help about it.
}  Also I have been trying with the dual mode but the problem is the same.
} #/usr/sbin/mkiss -s 1200 /dev/ttyS0 /dev/ptyq0 /dev/ptyq1
} #/usr/sbin/kissattach -i /dev/ttyq0 vhf
}  kissattach: TIOCSETD: Invalid argument
} My axports file for the dual mode is as follows:
} # /etc/ax25/axports
} #
} # The format of this file is:
} #
} # name callsign speed paclen window description
} #
} vhf  OA4DCF-1   1200 255 2 vhf_freq (1200 bps)
} hf   OA4DCF-2    300 127 1 hf_freq (300 bps)
} I have read the Linux AX25-Howto  (v1.5  17 October 1997), also I verified
} the CONFIG file and the CONFIG_MKISS=y
} Thanks in advance for any help you can send to me.
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         - Karl F. Larsen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (505) 524-3303  -

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