
You need to read the (somewhat outdated) AX.25-HOWTO and the docs for
your NOS.

I am running several nodes with CLX packet cluster, http, smtp, irc,
ftp, telnet
etc. Each PC and each installation is unique, so help is difficult
without detailed
info on your troubles.

For first steps, I suggest reading the FAQ's and HOWTO's until you can
them in your sleep, then un-tar and install your packages. One of the
more common
problems is correct file/directory permissions.

E-mail me off the list if you like, but I'm no expert and no

gl de James KG7FU

James S. Kaplan KG7FU
Eugene Oregon USA
ICQ # 1227639
Have YOU tried Linux today?

----- Original Message -----
To: linux-hams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 7:00 PM
Subject: ax25 help

> Are there any stateside hams who have had success running the ax25
> in Linux?  It seems all the development and examples are European or
> VK/ZL.
> Which is good for them.  There is not much packet activity here in
> Houston,
> and even less NOS operation.  I'm convinced it can be done (HI) I
> need
> a bit of help installing the files in the right places and fine
> them
> for my installation.
> Please, those who want to rant about RTFM, just address that to
> /dev/null.
> I have a 386SX with Redhat 5.2 and the AX25 stuff compiled in the
> kernel.
> Some of the files go into /etc, and I guess some go into /etc/ax25.
> Somehow,
> the whole thing is started by a script somewhere.
> I want to run on a single tnc on VHF and would like to run the JNOS
> operation, that is available in the kernel.  I'm not looking to link
> into
> ethernet and other ports (yet).  Any elmer would be appreciated.
> to me
> to keep the traffic on this reflector to a reasonable level.
> Brian
> N5BA

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