I am looking for information on where someone would find the
ftp sites for the ax25-utils  

The reason I am asking gets a little complicated..

About a year ago I found some problems in the ax25-utils-2.1.42 set which
prevented a clean compile with  gcc   I put my patched version on
my ftp site  (ftp://pete.resuba.com/pub/Linux/ham/ax25-utils-2.1.42b.tar.gz)
and I mentioned it's existence to one.. maybe two other people.

Over the past year there have been dozens of people get this patched 
version from my ftp site, so somewhere out there someone has been spreading
the word about my site.  OK.  Fine.  But a few months ago I changed my
domain name and since then the old site has been operating under an 
alias .. which I would like to remove.

But.. if somewhere out there there is a source pointing people to my 
ftp site, I want to make sure it is updated with the new address before
I remove the alias.

I checked the   AX25-HOWTO and it has the original ftp site where I got
the ax25-utils from so it must be coming from someplace else..

Is any of this making sense?  

Who has information about ax25-utils  ftp sites?


Pete Rossi - WA3NNA

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