Regarding your comments on 2.2 Karl. A linux neubey will not install 2.2
because as of yet there is no distribution that supports it. This will 
change very quicky however. If he is an amateur he would best be served
if he installs a distribution that caters to hams (debian). I'm an
old slackware guy who is now running RH, I don't want to learn another
distribution. I don't like the way RH make decisions for me but I realise
this is the way to push it to the great unwashed. I hope you have learned
a few things trying to upgrade Karl, I always learn more when things don't
go my way and I have to dig through the docs and man pages. I suggest
you don't give up nor do I think that the person who packaged the RPMS can
help you. You have 2.2 running, your problem is with PPP and ax25
configuration. Things change, you can either deal with it or stay on the

Bob - wd6dod

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