I am already reading books on network protocols and statistics of
collisions, hoping that I will find some rules of thumb, for the typical
case that most of us (will) face:

1) HOST0: System with (almost?) fast Internet connection + ax25
2) VHF/UHF radio link, TNCs or SMs, half duplex, some noise & snow :-)
3) HOST1: on Internetless LAN + ax25 (local server: sendmail, proxy etc)

The traffic between the two hosts is typically asymmetrical:
the server wants the most of the available bandwidth,
while the client is generally receiving big packets and
"controlling" the link with small ones.
If we want the best throughput we must enhance this asymmetry
( read about ALOHA/CSMA, eg "Computer Networks", A. S. Tanenbaum  )

That means:
 HOST0: MTU0 = 256 (packetsize)
 HOST1: MAXFRAME1 >= 2 ( I prefer 4, is it ok?)
 HOST1: MTU1 >= MTU0 * 2 [ Is it ok (MTUethernet/2)+tcpheader ? ]

The protocol used is CSMA-p, the traffic is bursty (users' traffic):
 persistence~=0.25 (64 for 255, good throughput for min/avg/max loads) 

I haven't figured out what should be the slot parameters as well
as the T* timings. I only found that T3 is nice at 1000.
Any ideas?

I am going further...


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