On  8 Jul 99 at 7:59, Erik Jakobsen wrote:

> Of course not, 

That's the point. The rest is trivial.

> but the 2 hams did send me a mail to a query I send to the Linux-
> hams list, and I answered this.

So, it was your mistake to send a copy to the list. Simple to
explain and understandable. Nobody is perfect.

> What you cannot understand is the danish language and this is pity
> to you.


> I just want to say I do not care about these e-mails

How polite...

> as I think you may waer too little shooes on your feets.

And this as an extra gift.

> No further replies will follow this

That's nice, judging by the content of your insulting reply.

> but you of course are free to send mails :-

No, why waste any more bandwidth ? The point has been already made.

> And you are an engeneer!!!. I doubt it.

That's your right, to doubt about the many things you don't know.
What makes one different ? Should I be more tolerant to insults ?
No, that is something else, not me. Enough said.

I just made a question. Saying sorry, my mistake, from you, would
have been enough, would have been just two lines. Or just remain
silent and understand the lesson. Relying too heavily on self 
perfection can easily lead to embarrassements. A bit of humility is 
nothing to be ashamed of.

When I correspond to others in spanish (spoken by hundreds of
millions in this planet) I do OFF THE LIST. That's the point.
Cool off.

Jose, CO2JA

 Ing. Jose A. Amador          | Telf: (537) 20-7814 
 Depto de Telecomunicaciones  | E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 ISPJAE                       |         

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