On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 08:38:45PM -0400, Benedict P. Barszcz wrote:
> Hi,
> A new ham software database has been up for a few days now. It is to replace
> www.casema.net which served its porpose quite well.  Personally I must say that
> the new one is a far cry from what on casema server we were offerred.
> It looks ugly and is unreadable. I don't want to descourage the authors, who
> kill themselves doing stuff for us, but if things remain the way they are now
> then we are doomed to total failure: out of date ax25how-to, liquidation of
> ham-how-to and ugly software database. Jee, is this a kind of alien aggression
> on the ham community or what?

Let's wait a while and see what will happen. The site is up for only
a few days now. I am sure it will improve! 

Like you say, people kill themselves doing stuff for the hamradio
community. You cannot expect to get what you want 100% of the time.
We do this in our spare time. Maybe you would like to pay one
of us, to get all this work finished? Or maybe you would like
to spend some of YOUR spare time and start working on something?
> Anyway, I grabbed WDBI, installed it. And felt so elated to see my database
> look like a bird. You can update, delete, insert remotely. Perhaps this would
> be the way?
> Also, I got dbengine and it looked even prettier than WDBI. It is a web
> interface to many database engines. It uses perl and DBI, DBD drivers. More
> importantly, it worked out of the box! 

Tell us more. Where did you get it? What is it.
> Unfortunately I am not a database expert:-))))

Neither am I. Neither is terry. But at least he found the courage
to start learning about it and he even got something going now.

I say he did very well !!!!!
> kb2qzv


 Joop Stakenborg PA4TU, ex-PA3ABA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Linux Hamradio Applications and Utilities Homepage

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