Hello Gerd,

Thank you for your quick reply. It's appreciated! :-)

On 22-Oct-99 Gerd wrote:
> Why do you want to use /dev/bc0 ?
> They are obsolete. 

At that point I didn't know that bcsf0 et al. were network devices. So I kept
looking for them in the /dev directory. %-)

> You can work with ifconfig and the like in the usual way

Thanks! That worked! :-) However I got stuck while trying to use "call" (see
other mail). Maybe you could give me a hint there?!

> Since it seems that you are from Germany, the german version of 
> the AX.25-HOWTO at http://www.ardos.de/gerd/axhowto might help 
> you further. It is also available for download as 
> http://www.ardos.de/gerd/axhowto/DE-AX25-HOWTO.tar.gz .

Thanks for the information. I'll download that the next time I'm online!


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