On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 06:31:53PM +0200, Joerg Reuter wrote:
> And the next one is: how do we recognize that nodes aren't reachable
> anymore? Every node has to know the complete topology and quite
> frankly I don't have the slightest idea how to keep consistency
> (not to mention that I haven't found a way to store the tree 
> efficiently while keeping changes to it fast and mostly atomic). To 
> make it outright annoying, this is needed only for two small, yet 
> important purposes: personal messages and a correct user list.

When we discussed this in Darmstadt, we decided to create a working
system as fast as possible by just broadcasting personal messages in
the same way as regular messages. Overhead, sure. But it can be
improved later. The same goes for user status messages, they will
be distributed the same way as normal channel messages. You can
store the message-id together with the user-information and this
way associate logoff-messages to logon-messages (for consistency).

> It should designed in a way that an IRC emulation mode for user
> clients won't be too hard to write.

Yes. But the user-side shouldn't be so hard to do. It is important to
get the network structure right.

> Links and user access should be TCP/IP based but with AX.25
> interoperability to nodes that aren't IP capable. It doesn't
> make much difference programming wise on Linux, though.

Of course.

73, Hans-Peter

Hans-Peter Zorn, Karlsruhe, Germany
http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uhsm/      [EMAIL PROTECTED]    (preferred)
http://1409.org/people/hp/                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    (hamradio stuff)

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