Linux-Hardware Digest #18, Volume #9             Thu, 24 Dec 98 00:13:26 EST

  Re: HELP - Linux on Compaq Prosignia ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ZIP Drive mount (Kyle Dansie)
  3D Image 975 - TRIDENT (albertovz)
  Re: HP722C driver (Alan Fried)
  Help!!!  I have memory problems! (Brad Hilton)
  Can run a AMD K6-2 300 with a ASUS TX 97 X MB ?? ("Guyzmo")
  Re: Compatible tape backup systems? (Bruce Barnett)
  EZ135 problem ("L.G.")
  Re: 16/32bpp with CL5428 card under Linux? (John Thompson)
  Re: Winmodem drivers wanted (John Thompson)
  Re: things I'd pay to have developed for Linux... (DJ Delorie)
  Re: HP722C driver and Good News (Alan Fried)
  Re: things I'd pay to have developed for Linux... (Bruce Barnett)
  Re: Write two drives at same time? (William Burrow)
  Re: things I'd pay to have developed for Linux... (Stefaan A Eeckels)
  Re: 3D Image 975 - TRIDENT ([EMAIL PROTECTED]***Remove***)
  lilo ("Lucas Fisher")
  Re: Stand Alone External ISDN TA's (recommendations plz :) ) (Henry T. Nettles)
  Re: HP722C driver and Good News (Ken Oster)
  Modem setup wont work (Dane Mohammed)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: HELP - Linux on Compaq Prosignia
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 23:59:29 GMT

In article <75lktj$tqb$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Alberto Lago da Silva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are trying to setup Linux Slackware 3.5 (linux 2.0.34) on a Compaq
> Prosignia 200 with a SCSI drive. Aparently it has a ncr53c406a controller or
> a wd7000 (at boot time both are mentioned). We are booting from CD-ROM.
> Acording to Compaqs SmartStart utility the config of the SCSI card is:
> iobase addr=0x6000, irq=5 and dma addr=0x40001000 or 0x40002000.
> However during boot the following error is printed on screen:
>     ncr53c406a: No available ports found
>     Failed initalization of WD-7000 SCSI card !
> The system boots but the SCSI drive is not accesible.
> I've looked into all the docs I could get, I've tried passing parameters to
> the driver at boot time with no positive results. Could someone help ?
> Thanks in  advance.
> als

I think the standard ncr53c* drivers only detect (and work with?) the PCI
controllers, and I imaging that the older Prosignia servers had the
controllers on the EISA bus - I know thats the case on the Proliant 2000 I

You could check on the Compaq support boards if you haven't already:

Check on the Server - Unix & Banyan forum and search for "linux"...


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Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 17:57:53 -0700
From: Kyle Dansie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ZIP Drive mount

Jeff Myers wrote:
> I have a beginner question.
> How do you mount an Internal ZIP drive?
> Thanks in adavance.

mount -t vfat /dev/hdx4 /mnt

and 'x' could be b or c or d depending on how many drives you have on
your system. 

Section 3.5 of the HOWTO has more info.

Linux Rules
          ZIP drive Mini-HOWTO


From: albertovz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 3D Image 975 - TRIDENT
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 01:34:40 +0100

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; x-mac-type="54455854"; 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


I have a 300c, and I've just installed Debian 2.0.
My problem is that I've a Trident 3D Image 975 4MB Video Card, and i
can't run the X properly. ¿Wich option lines I've to add to the
XF86Config file?
The last Trident video card that appears on the card list of my
XF86Setup is: Trident TGUI9685

Please Help me !!

Marry Christmas for everyone  :-)

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<p>I have a 300c, and I've just installed Debian 2.0.
<br>My problem is that I've a <b>Trident 3D Image 975 4MB Video Card</b>,
and i can't run the X properly. &iquest;Wich option lines I've to add to
the XF86Config file?
<br>The last Trident video card that appears on the card list of my XF86Setup
is: Trident TGUI9685
<p>Please Help me !!
<p>Marry Christmas for everyone&nbsp; :-)</html>



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan Fried)
Subject: Re: HP722C driver
Date: 23 Dec 1998 02:06:14 GMT

"asr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Looking for a driver for the HP722C printer .....  anyone know where i can
>get one or another HP driver that may work with this printer

I hate to tell you this as I have already discovered for myself. I tried
to configure the HP712c printer for Linux using the 660 driver and it 
didn't work.

I couldn't get the printer to work in dos either when I was only in dos. I
only got it to print when dos was run under windows.

I may be wrong and I hope I am but it seems that these may be win

Please tell me it isn't so


Subject: Help!!!  I have memory problems!
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brad Hilton)
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 02:16:56 GMT

When I run the free command (not using x), it reports that I only have 13 megs 
availible.  I'm running a K6-2 with 1 64 meg PC100 dimm.

Do I have to specify that I have 64 megs somewhere?

Has anybody heard of this problem?


Brad Hilton


From: "Guyzmo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can run a AMD K6-2 300 with a ASUS TX 97 X MB ??
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 17:58:27 +0100

I bought about 6 months ago a MB ASUS TX 97/X Mother Board and a cyrix
P200+, but the cyrix is very bad !

Last week, I bought a AMD K6/2 300Mhz.
But, last Sunday, I saw in my MB book if I can put it, but the book was
write in 1997 ;). Also, I gone on the ASUS web site, and they say that put a
CPU faster than 233 Mhz is imossible !

So the K6/2 processor -socket 7- is incompatible with the socket 7
motherboards ??

And if I  really can't put a 300Mhz cpu on this motherboard, can I
'under'clock this CPU, or do I buy on other MB (or cpu) ???

Please give me your response at this email :
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanx !
(c: Gu¥Zm0 =)


From: Bruce Barnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Compatible tape backup systems?
Date: 23 Dec 1998 02:22:37 GMT

Thanks. I am using RedHat. I'll look into ftape and pt. This is a big help.


Subject: EZ135 problem
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 21:40:59 -0500

This may not be the most appropriate newsgroup for my question, but I'll
give it a try..
I recently attempted to install a new, working EZ135 drive in my PC.
After getting it installed properly, I shut down my system for the
night. The next time I turned on the system, the drive would not power
up (i.e., the green light would not go on, and the BIOS would return a
secondary hard disk failure). Is there anything I can do to revive the
drive? All of my wires, plugs, boards, etc. are functional, so I know
that the problem has something to do with the drive itself. Does this
sound familiar to anyone? Is it symptomatic of a problem I can fix
myself (i.e., with screwdrivers, solder, etc.), or does it sound like a
candidate for my local computer technician?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    (John Thompson)
Subject: Re: 16/32bpp with CL5428 card under Linux?
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 23:46:31 GMT

In <75rpug$1u6l$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Floris van Nierop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Could someone please help me with the following?
>I installed Linux (Slackware 3.5) on a 468DX2/66 with 24MB RAM and a
>Vesa Local Bus videocard based on Cirrus Logic's CL-GD5428 chipset.
>XFree86 works reasonably well, but only with a colour depth of just 8bpp,
>while the card is supposed to be able to do 16 and 32bpp as 

I was able to get 16bpp color from a 1MB Cirrus 5426VLB card but 
only at an annoyingly low refresh rate and 800x600 resolution. 
32bpp color was also possible, but only at 640x480 resolution 
with major flicker.  I decided that maybe 8-bit color wasn't so 
bad after all...



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    (John Thompson)
Subject: Re: Winmodem drivers wanted
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 23:50:41 GMT

Fiser) writes:

>As far I understand WinModems: all the hardware is there but the software 
>which controls hardware is running on you PC and is therefor using some 
>CPU time. Drivers for these type of hardware could (in theory) be written
>for any operating system, but manufacturers are delivering only Windows 

Almost.  All the hardware is *NOT* there; that's why you need the
software.  The software in a WinModem does what the hardware does
in a regular modem.

>The questions are: Are WinModem manufactures releasing the relevant 
>technical details?

No.  And apparently there are many varieties, each requiring its 
own driver.  Not a very motivating undertaking.



Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 21:57:17 -0500
From: DJ Delorie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: things I'd pay to have developed for Linux...

Bruce Barnett wrote:
> I still don't understand. Why do you want a daemon that doesn't use
> sockets, but uses STDIO?

So that he can do this (somehow from within the kernel):

        ssh remotemachine smbd -stdio ...

Then mount the directory locally.  Later, umount it and Ctrl-C the
ssh.  That provides an encrypted session for the mounted filesystem.

Basically, he wants a way to securely mount filesystems from remote
machines he doesn't have root to, that are efficient on modem lines.
His current choice is a mix of ssh and samba, but that means that
samba would have to let ssh manage the network connection, rather
than doing it itself.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan Fried)
Subject: Re: HP722C driver and Good News
Date: 23 Dec 1998 02:57:25 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan Fried) wrote:

>"asr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Looking for a driver for the HP722C printer .....  anyone know where i can
>>get one or another HP driver that may work with this printer
>I hate to tell you this as I have already discovered for myself. I tried
>to configure the HP712c printer for Linux using the 660 driver and it 
>didn't work.
>I couldn't get the printer to work in dos either when I was only in dos. I
>only got it to print when dos was run under windows.
>I may be wrong and I hope I am but it seems that these may be win
>Please tell me it isn't so

Good news, I got through to tech support and they say the
printer is not a win printer.

At  least I have motivation to continue to search.

Incidenlty the HP web site was virtually useless as was
the tech support but I guess thats par for the course.


From: Bruce Barnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: things I'd pay to have developed for Linux...
Date: 24 Dec 1998 03:30:30 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kyler Laird) writes:

I asked a serious question.

> >You can't use the service on remote systems.
> wrong

Thanks for a completely useless answer. Aat least some of the other
people have manners, and answered the question. 

> >What good is a SMB daemon if you couldn't use it on a Windows client?
> Welcome to the land of people who know something
> besides Microsoft.

There is no reason to be so insulting. I've been using UNIX systems
for almost 20 years. Your GNUS score has now been lowered.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Burrow)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Write two drives at same time?
Date: 23 Dec 1998 02:42:47 GMT

On 22 Dec 1998 17:25:25 -0500,
David Lum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have an application in which a small data file (2K-30K) will be FTPd to a
>> Linux box 10 to 50 times a day at random times. It is important that the
>> data,
>> when it arrives, be instantly preserved in the event that if a total hardware
>> failure occurs the media can be removed and carried to another system.
>Sounds like a situation where RAID-1 would be helpful to you.  Take a
>look at to read about this.

Just relaying hearsay, but it seems that Linux' software RAID really barfs
when things go wrong.  Mind you, this is just parroting what I've read,
but I'd thoroughly test such a solution before trusting it.

Another option might be to mount the Zip disk or a small partition
synchronously, so that all writes happen in real time, and download
directly to the Zip disk or small partition.  Then copy the file from
the Zip disk to the harddisk or vice versa and do a sync.  The only
drawback I see to this is the rumoured Zip drive Click of Death...

William Burrow, VE9WIL  --  New Brunswick, Canada     o
Copyright 1998 William Burrow                     ~  /\
                                                ~  ()>()


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stefaan A Eeckels)
Subject: Re: things I'd pay to have developed for Linux...
Date: 23 Dec 1998 22:02:54 GMT

In article <75qq7j$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kyler Laird) writes:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stefaan A Eeckels) writes:
>>Given that Windows boxes cannot be told to use anything else
>>but the standard SMB sockets, what's your prospective client?
> Hmmm...have you taken a look at the Newsgroups:
> line lately?
> (MS Windows clients could also use it, of course,
> but it takes a bit more effort.)
It was a serious question - there are not many SMB clients
(as opposed to SMB servers), and one non-Windows client
I know (smbclient) doesn't offer much more than a stock
FTP client. If you're trying to connect two UNIX boxes
through SMB, you're daft (IMHO), as there are better ways
to do this that cost you zip. 

If you really feel that offering $500 gives you the right
to have people guess at your intentions, and then to treat them
like morons, I can only advise you to shove those greenbacks
up your backside.

A merry Christmas nonetheless.


PGP key available from PGP key servers (
Perfection is reached, not when there is no longer anything to add,
but when there is no longer anything to take away. -- Saint-Exupéry


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]***Remove***
Subject: Re: 3D Image 975 - TRIDENT
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 03:35:00 GMT

You might want to upgrade to XFree86 3.3.3.

I have the save card, but i have had iffy results.

have gotton....

640*480, up to 32bpp color, but always in virtual screen, even if i
say no in xf86config
800*600 up to 32bpp color, same as above.
1024*768: got up to 32bpp color once, didn't like the refresh rate,
tried to fix, didn't work, can't even get 1024 anymore.

if you haven't noticed, i'm pretty much a newbie.

On Thu, 24 Dec 1998 01:34:40 +0100, albertovz

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; x-mac-type="54455854"; 
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
>I have a 300c, and I've just installed Debian 2.0.
>My problem is that I've a Trident 3D Image 975 4MB Video Card, and i
>can't run the X properly. ¿Wich option lines I've to add to the
>XF86Config file?
>The last Trident video card that appears on the card list of my
>XF86Setup is: Trident TGUI9685
>Please Help me !!
>Marry Christmas for everyone  :-)
>Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
><!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
><p>I have a 300c, and I've just installed Debian 2.0.
><br>My problem is that I've a <b>Trident 3D Image 975 4MB Video Card</b>,
>and i can't run the X properly. &iquest;Wich option lines I've to add to
>the XF86Config file?
><br>The last Trident video card that appears on the card list of my XF86Setup
>is: Trident TGUI9685
><p>Please Help me !!
><p>Marry Christmas for everyone&nbsp; :-)</html>


From: "Lucas Fisher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: lilo
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 21:14:57 -0600

My BIOS and IDE controller both support LBA.  Does this mean I can put LILO
in the MBR and the linux boot files under the 7.8GB LBA limit?  Or do I have
to place the boot files within the first 1024 cylinders?  Where are these
boot files located?  In the root directory or /boot or both?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Henry T. Nettles)
Subject: Re: Stand Alone External ISDN TA's (recommendations plz :) )
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 03:26:15 GMT

On Mon, 21 Dec 1998 01:35:00 -0500, "Winter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I was wondering if anyone here was using a stand alone external ISDN
>Terminal Adapter.
>I am looking for one with POTS jacks that will function when the computer is
>off (if that
>exists :) ).   Any suggestions or information will be greatly appreciated..

Why don't you just get an ISDN router?  The Netgear RT-328 can be had 
for around $250, delivered, and works great with


From: Ken Oster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HP722C driver and Good News
Date: 23 Dec 1998 03:31:18 GMT

HP710/712/720/722 etc. printers work with these drivers:

or see my page:

ken o
Alan Fried wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan Fried) wrote:
> >"asr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>Looking for a driver for the HP722C printer .....  anyone know where i can
> >>get one or another HP driver that may work with this printer
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I hate to tell you this as I have already discovered for myself. I tried
> >to configure the HP712c printer for Linux using the 660 driver and it
> >didn't work.
> >
> >I couldn't get the printer to work in dos either when I was only in dos. I
> >only got it to print when dos was run under windows.
> >
> >I may be wrong and I hope I am but it seems that these may be win
> >printers.
> >
> >Please tell me it isn't so
> Good news, I got through to tech support and they say the
> printer is not a win printer.
> At  least I have motivation to continue to search.
> Incidenlty the HP web site was virtually useless as was
> the tech support but I guess thats par for the course.


From: Dane Mohammed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Modem setup wont work
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 22:35:47 -0500

I'm using Red Hat 5.0 and am kinda new to Linux.
 I was trying to setup my modem  which is a Compaq Persario 28.8
Data.Fax.Voice modem.

i first tried to find  the serial port
#ls /dev/cua* /dev/ttyS*

and it displayes the serial ports my modem is on the COM2 port
/dev/cua1, /dev/ttyS1

then I  checked to see if there were enabled

# dmesg

Serial Driver version 4.12 with no serial options enabled

so I tested the modem... # echo "ATDTXXX-XXX/n" >/dev/cuaN

and nothing happens.. not even a dail tone.... can anyone help this
bewildered fool ... thanks Dane...



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