Linux-Hardware Digest #199, Volume #9            Sun, 17 Jan 99 09:14:40 EST

  HD prob. ("Daniel Rydén")
  Re: Help still needed please, please, please... (Mircea)
  IDE controller:  More than two disks? (Roger Rouse)
  Problems connecting Wacom gd-0405 mouse tablet (Guus Zijlstra)
  NVidia and XFree86 support (Ross Boylan)
  Re: Want Linux bogomips numbers for Intel PII-450 ("Raymond Doetjes")
  Re: RHL is great but I need help setting up XF86 (Jeff Tackett)
  Re: Time to split up the newsgroup?? (Chris Lee)
  Re: Want Linux bogomips numbers for Intel PII-450 (Stephen Maudsley)
  Re: 3DLabs Permedia2 and Redhat5.2, X problems (#1) (Paul Benjamin)
  Re: Linux compatiblity with Colorado tape drives. (mlw)
  Better resolutions with CL-5430 ? ("Nigel Hunter")
  Re: Drivers for emachines ((null))
  Re: 3com Megahertz 10/100 LAN CardBus PC Card ? ("giuseppe")
  NVidia and XFree86 support (Ross Boylan)
  Redhar 5.2 doesn't regocnise my CDROM ("Harold Kasperink")
  Re: Want Linux bogomips numbers for Intel PII-450 (Bjorn Lindgren)
  Re: Want Linux bogomips numbers for Intel PII-450 (Bjorn Lindgren)
  P5A (ali aladdin v chipset) + kernel 2.2.0 pre5 (Sven Terhurne)
  Re: Netgear FA310TX NIC (Jim Snyder)


From: "Daniel Rydén" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HD prob.
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 20:05:14 +0100

I'm having slight difficulties with my hd. Linux Fdisk says that my hd has 3
different end values... i can work around the prob but then i have to avoid
using the last 50 or so megs of it (the hd)...
is it a hardware malfunction or is it something else?
I also have win95 and the drive is 6,4gb...


From: Mircea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Help still needed please, please, please...
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 07:22:26 -0500
Reply-To: stNOamasdATexSPAMciteDOTcom

OK, problem solved. Thank you all.



From: Roger Rouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IDE controller:  More than two disks?
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 12:09:51 -0700

How can I determine if my E/IDE controller can support more than two
I don't have any documentation.  I could probably get a serial number or
off the card.

 - Roger

|Roger B. Rouse                      + # # # .               |
|                                  #           . +           |
|Arizona State University        #       + +     #           |
|Dept. Physics & Astronomy           + +   + #     +         |
|Tempe, Az, 85287-1504               +       +     #         |
|                                  .     . @ .     .         |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]           #     +       +           |
|                                  +     # +   + +           |
|                                    #     + +      .        |
|                                    + .           #         |
|                                        . # + # .      Rouse|


Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 13:25:33 +0100
From: Guus Zijlstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Problems connecting Wacom gd-0405 mouse tablet

Hi Everyone,

I'm having trouble connecting my Wacom mouse tablet.

Running, from Frederic Lepied
produces errors when processing /etc/X11/XF86Config, so I suppose
it's the wrong driver. I'm not sure which protocol my tablet uses.

Driver details and error logs are below

Any help is really appreciated.


Driver source says:

> /* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common/xf86Wacom.c,v 3.23
> 14:40:46 dawes Exp $ */
> /*
>  * This driver is only able to handle the Wacom IV protocol.
>  */

XF86Config errors:

> (**) Adding extended device "Wacom" (type: Wacom Stylus)
> (**) Adding extended device "CURSOR" (type: Wacom Cursor)
> (**) Adding extended device "ERASER" (type: Wacom Eraser)
> (--) Wacom tablet model : GD-0405-R00,V1.2-5
> Wacom unable to read first byte of request '~R^M' answer after 2 tries


> X Error of failed request:  BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input
>   Major opcode of failed request:  130 (XInputExtension)
>   Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_OpenDevice)
>   Serial number of failed request:  12
>   Current serial number in output stream:  12



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ross Boylan)
Subject: NVidia and XFree86 support
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 11:08:34 -0800

The recent announcement says
"Open Source NVIDIA driver has been provided. "

What does this mean?

1) My understanding was that 3.3.3 had such support, although it
wasn't fully optimized.  What's new?

2) Which Nvidia chips does this refer to?

3) Various reports in the newsgroups indicated that NVIDIA had not
been willing to open up their specs, at least for the TNT.  I had
written the card off on that basis (I'm about to get a system).  Have
they changed, or is the TNT driver made without NVIDIA's assistance?
(One report said they were providing it, but withdrew it).

4) How well does the TNT support use the chips' acceleration

To reply via email, edit out the "remove" and "me" from the address


From: "Raymond Doetjes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Want Linux bogomips numbers for Intel PII-450
Date: 17 Jan 1999 12:28:53 GMT

You are right, I have an alpha 533MHz, it reaches 529 BogoMips, but when I
see that a Intell PII 300 Mhz comes to 500 Bogomips it makes you think.

Since My Alpha beeing a better CPU 5 level instruction pipeline higher
clockrate and better L2 cache.

I will stll out perform a P II 550MHz when they come since my Alpha CPU is
just a whole lot better developed. But the bogomips rate might go up to 550
on a PII 550 MHz.

BogoMips don't check integer and floatingpoint rates. These rates specify
the speed of a CPU not the ammount on instruction per second clockspeed



From: Jeff Tackett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RHL is great but I need help setting up XF86
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 02:43:21 -0500

Where is this hardware how-to because I can't find it.

I also got help on the graphics card.


> Be more specific, we're not psychics here :) When running X do
> startx some settings here &> out_from_x
> and post the file containing diagnostic messages here.
> Also check the hardware how-to to see if Mwave is supported. Last time
> I checked it was just "beta" level driver support.
> On Wed, 06 Jan 1999 00:48:27 -0500,
> Jeff Tackett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I sent the last two messages with my brothers setting, they are the ones
> >from Matthew Tackett.
> >I would like a reply about getting MWave to work and the Mach64 to go
> >over 8 bit. I have tried startx --bpp 16 and that don't work.
> >


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Lee)
Subject: Re: Time to split up the newsgroup??
Date: 16 Jan 1999 19:37:24 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
>Awesome idea. Architecture specific groups coupled with devices would be a
>great help also. But would anyone post to them????

Of course not and for good reason. It's an silly idea.


From: Stephen Maudsley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Want Linux bogomips numbers for Intel PII-450
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 10:54:13 +0000

Moshe Bar wrote:

> Hi
> My 400Mhz has a bogomips of 378.
> You may or may not know that Bogomips is NOT a measure of processor speed,
> it is just a calibration loop to measure how long it takes the processor to
> do NOTHING (no-op).
> So, careful with those Bogomips figures.

Interesting to know how well it correlates with REAL benchmarks....

Stephen Maudsley mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Esgem Limited: electronic product design
Tel: +44-1453-521626 Mobile: +44-370-810991
Personal pages:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Benjamin)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: 3DLabs Permedia2 and Redhat5.2, X problems (#1)
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 18:14:43 GMT

Martin Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>After a week of frustration, I realize I should probably have looked
>the hardware compatibility lists before I got this fancy new computer
>from Microcenter (a PowerSpec6320). There are several hardware
>that are not supported by Redhat Linux 5.2:
>* a 3DLabs Permedia 2 graphics card
>* a Netgear Fast Ethernet adapter FA310TX
>* a iomega SCSI adapter (came with the new 2GB jaz drive)

I have a Diamond Fire GL 1000 Pro and
IOmega SCSI (AdvanSys version)

>In this message, I would like to describe my troubles with X and the
>card. Without help from you folks I would probably give up on linux ...
>After I searched for Permedia 2, I realized that I would
>to download version 3.3.3-1 (Redhat 5.2 ships 3.3.2), including a 3DLabs
>Using the rpm commands as indicated worked fine
>  rpm -K --nopgp *rpm
>  rpm -Uvh --force XFree86*
>and when I query the current modules with
>  rpm -qa | grep XFree
>I get the new ones listed.
>As I understand, I now have to run xf86config to configure the X server.
>This seems to be straightforward; I figured if I specify everything as
>VGA, chances ar best to arrive at some result. However, I must skip the
>X-only probe, otherwise my screen goes blank and into some undefined
>Afterwards I looked at my XF86Config file (which doesn't tell me too
>I must admit), and I made sure that the path where it resides
>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11 is included in PATH (after /usr/X11R6/bin).
>Then I try startx, and my screen goes blank with the same symptoms as
>Ctrl-Alt + changes nothing, and Ctrl-Alt back has no effect either. The
>only thing
>that helps is Ctrl-Alt-Del (= shutdown).
>My monitor is a Korea Data 9500, i.e. a 19" thing that can display
>1280x1024 with 
>16M colors and 80Hz under Win98. 
>* What could cause this behaviour? 

The Red Hat Xfree86 doesn't support the Permedia 2 even as vga16.

>* What do I have to enter into the XF86Config file in order to have
>linux understand
>  my graphics card?

You will need a newer version of the Xfree86.

>* Are there any other files that I have to modify in order to be able to
>run X?
>* Are there any commands I have to issue in order to make the X server

I new at this so rather then having to recompile the kernel to get it
to work with my Iomega SCSI card and download the new Xserver from
SuSE to support my video card I just went directly to SuSE via Cheap
Bytes and purchased SuSE 5.3.  It supported my video and SCSI card
right out of the box.

The Xfree86 site has links for the SuSE Xwindow that they developed
with information they got from of Elisa.  But search me on how to get
it to work. My experience with Linux has not been all that good.
Maybe you will have more luck. 


Is your computer bored?  Give it something interesting to do. - join team stars!


Subject: Re: Linux compatiblity with Colorado tape drives.
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 12:54:53 +0000

Patrick D. Rockwell wrote:
> I'm planning to set up a multi platform system with Dos 6.22, Windows
> 95, OS2 Warp, and Linux. I
> have a T1000 tape drive, but I'm planning to get a Colorado 4/8 Gb tape
> drive (part number C4386B). I
> know that Dos and Windows 95 work with it. What about Linux? Is there a
> Linux driver which will
> work with the tape drive that I'm planning to get? Is there a drive
> which will work with all four OS's?
> In particular, I'm planning to get Redhat Linux, but if there is another
> better Linux out there which will
> work with the Colorado 4/8 Gb tape drive, please let me know.

"Working with" is a subjective term.  If the drive is a scsi tape
driver, easy it will work. If it is a floppy controller tape drive it
should work with the "ftape" driver. I doubt very much if you will be
able to read tapes created with one OS on another.

Mohawk Software
Windows 95, Windows NT, UNIX, Linux. Applications, drivers, support. 
Visit the Mohawk Software website:


From: "Nigel Hunter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Better resolutions with CL-5430 ?
Date: 17 Jan 1999 12:57:57 GMT

I am using a 2Mb CL-5430 graphics card with Red Hat Linux 5.2 and KDE.  Is
it possible to get more than 256 colours and/or 800x600 ?  I have tried a
range of settings using XF86CONFIG but I have yet to obtain better
resolutions than 800x600x256.  I have made sure that the 2Mb of video RAM
has been included and I have also pushed out the specs for the monitor.  I
have been using the generic SVGA X server because the accelerated ones
which seem to offer higher resolutions do not support my card.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ((null))
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: Drivers for emachines
Date: 16 Jan 1999 18:39:05 GMT

I'm running RedHat 5.2 on one, with only one real problem: it didn't install
from the CD.  It installed via NFS with no problem, and seems to run fine.
The problem with the install seems to be that the CD can't do large I/O, so 
it has problems on the first large RPM file.  (If i remember right, it was 
the C compiler.) Other than that, it is a fairly nice, very cheap, box.

I had problems with the video; I poked at it for a while, but was unable to
get X running with the ATI Rage driver, but it runs happily with the SVGA
driver.  And I suspect that the newest release of X probably addresses these
problems, I just haven't bothered, since it runs happily with the SVGA driver.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
C. Bruce Worden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The company "emachines" (see has some nice
>low-priced boxes.  They are promising linux drivers, but so far haven't
>produced.  Has anyone been able to get a distribution running on one
>of these machines?  If so, pointers/info would be greatly appreciated.



Subject: DUAL-PPGA Celeron?
Date: 16 Jan 1999 20:29:17 GMT


This is not an absolut Linux-specific question, but i think
the folk here would be rather interesstend into the answer, too:

To get a Dual-Celeron machine, up to now, you had to do some
critical and dangerous modifications to the SECC.

Now, the Celeron is available as PPGA-variant and Gigabyte
offers a PPGA processor to Slot 1 adapter: (GA-6R7)

It would be rather interessting, if it is possible to
build a running Dual-PPGA-Celeron machine ...

Who has experiences on that toppic?

| Bernhard Kuhn                (kuhn[at]  O|||OO||OO| |
| Laboratory for Process Control and Real-Time Systems  O|||O|O|O|O |
| Technische Universität München  Tel.+49-89-289-23732  O|||OO||OO| |
| 80290 München, Germany          Room 3944 Fax -23555  OOO|O|||O|O |


From: "giuseppe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3com Megahertz 10/100 LAN CardBus PC Card ?
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 13:42:28 +0100

hi i'm using t3com pci lan card 3c900b  and it work well
i  had to install driver for tricom .. in /usr/src/linux
make menuconfig
and since there all is work fine...

Patrice Bonhomme ha scritto nel messaggio <77i6lj$nnl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I am currently looking for a driver for this Card ? Any help ?
>  ***********************************************************
>  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]     * Office : B.228          *
>  * * Phone  : 03 83 59 30 52 *
>  ***********************************************************


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ross Boylan)
Subject: NVidia and XFree86 support
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 11:15:05 -0800

This is a followup to my previous message.

I have looked at the XFree86 docs on NVidia, but they are dated Nov 5
and I assume they are about 3.3.3, not  They look the same as
I remember them before the announcement.

To reply via email, edit out the "remove" and "me" from the address


From: "Harold Kasperink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Redhar 5.2 doesn't regocnise my CDROM
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 13:39:52 +0100

Hi All,

During installation of Redhat 5.2 on my intel pentium 90 I encountered the
following problem:

My CD-ROM drive is not recognized.
In windows 95 and my old infoseek linux system (kernel 1.2.1) it is working

I have the following CD ROM drive:

conntected to the following controller
MKEPanasonic (Matsushita-Kotobuki Electronics)

During installation the drive is not recognized as an IDE drive. The
autoprobe option also doesn't work.

Which driver should I try and what options should I use?

Thanks in advance,

Harold Kasperink


From: Bjorn Lindgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Want Linux bogomips numbers for Intel PII-450
Date: 17 Jan 1999 13:31:58 GMT

In Moshe Bar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi

> My 400Mhz has a bogomips of 378.

> You may or may not know that Bogomips is NOT a measure of processor speed,
> it is just a calibration loop to measure how long it takes the processor to
> do NOTHING (no-op).

> So, careful with those Bogomips figures.

What benchmark should i use to check that my PII-450 is a real PII-450 and
not a remarked 350/400, i dont have access to other PII-450's so i need a
open benchmark that there numbers for. any suggestions?

/Bjorn L

> Bjorn Lindgren wrote in message <77rd13$f2c$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>Hi, anyone run Linux on Intel PII-450 that can post the
>>bogomips number from /proc/cpuinfo
>>Want numbers from as many diffrent ppl as possible.
>>Bjorn Lindgren

Bjorn Lindgren

Do you want Virtual Reality for your PC?
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From: Bjorn Lindgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Want Linux bogomips numbers for Intel PII-450
Date: 17 Jan 1999 13:35:22 GMT

In Rod Roark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bjorn Lindgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Hi, anyone run Linux on Intel PII-450 that can post the
>>bogomips number from /proc/cpuinfo
>>Want numbers from as many diffrent ppl as possible.

> Somewhere between 450 and 451... I forget the exact number offhand.
> But you know it's not useful as a benchmark, right?

Its just for veryfying that my newly bought PII-450 is a real one and
not some remarked 300/350/400, do you know any other way?
Maybe with SPECint95/SPECfp95 benchmark tool, but are that openly
availble for Linux or *BSD, havent heard/seen of one.

Bjorn Lindgren

Do you want Virtual Reality for your PC?
go to


From: Sven Terhurne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: P5A (ali aladdin v chipset) + kernel 2.2.0 pre5
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 14:49:12 +0100

does anyone now if the ali aladdin chipset is supported by the current
or is there a patch?


Sven Terhurne


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Snyder)
Subject: Re: Netgear FA310TX NIC
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 20:20:41 GMT

On Tue, 12 Jan 1999 01:13:03 -0600, "James Knoch Jr."

>anyone have any experience with this card in Linux?  I'm thinking about
>buying a couple for my computers at home to setup a Linux/WinNT Lan so I
>can proxy through my ISDN internal TA card.

I bought a couple a few weeks ago. Installation is a breeze in
NT/Windows but I have not got mine to work with RH 5.2 yet. They did
not autoinstall. They do work apparently. I did get the following
advice from a Red Hat Apollo list:

>If you don't need the network card for the install, you can upgrade
 to kernel version 2.0.36, or copy the tulip.c file from the linux
directory of the driver disk to the drivers/net directory of the
kernel source and compile it.  The help program on the driver disk
tell how to do it.  I think it will run under dosemu...

>I assume you have the Netgear FA310TX.  If I remember correctly,
the newer Netgear cards have switched to using the LiteOn chipset,
is a cheaper clone version of the dec chipset.  Since I'm running 
kernel 2.2.0-pre5, I don't remember what version of the tulip driver
ships with redhat 5.2, so you might want to try a newer version of
the tulip driver.  I think it was recommended that anyone with a
chipset should try using at least tulip 0.89K or later.  The version I
have is 0.90f.

Hope this helps

Jim Snyder



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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