Linux-Hardware Digest #199, Volume #10           Mon, 10 May 99 06:13:33 EDT

  Re: Linux display driver for Matrox G200 (Kevin)
  Re: mounting MO Drive with sectorsize=1024 (Matthias Meixner)
  graphics card problem (Chris Stegmaier)
  Yamaha OPL3 SAX Help (Robert Brown-Bayliss)
  Re: Newbie humble Q: can't run autoboot.bat at D:\ (Tom Martinson)
  Xircom CE3 (10/100) driver wanted (Marcus Michalek)
  Linux display driver for Matrox G200 ("Morten Eriksen")
  Re: Newbie vs Linux: Comment on this system. (Swietanowski Artur)
  Re: PCI modems in linux? ("C. E. Scheetz")
  Re: Tough Question About Linux (Bud Rogers)
  Re: Linux-Preinstalled (Kevin)
  Re: Yamaha OPL3 SAX Help (Robert Brown-Bayliss)
  Re: ATI Rage Fury 32 MB AGP video for linux? (Vinh Le)
  Re: Jaz 2gb external scsi and Linux (Ernst-Udo Wallenborn)
  Re: funny error, maybe hardware malfunction (Bradley M Keryan)
  Re: asus and scsi (Remco van den Berg)
  Re: yamaha724 (Luke Ordelmans)
  Re: No modem response ("C. E. Scheetz")
  Re: Yamaha OPL3 SAX Help (JaZZman)


Subject: Re: Linux display driver for Matrox G200
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 03:41:26 +0000

I'm using the svga driver.


Morten Eriksen wrote:
> Does anybody know how where to find and how to install subject ?
> Thanks
>   Morten Eriksen

Kevin der Kinderen


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Meixner)
Subject: Re: mounting MO Drive with sectorsize=1024
Date: 10 May 1999 07:36:07 GMT

andy standley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Christian Buehler wrote:
> > I'm mot able to  get my SCSI MO Drive to work under Suse Linux 6.1.
> > I have mediums with sectorsize=1024 and played with mounting options,
> > but
> > with no success.   How do I mount such mediums?
> >
> >
>     Hi,        I have a sony MO scsi drive and have 3M disks that say
> 1024 on them. I have formatted them on an NT machine as FAT and can read
> them ok on the NT machine. My linux (Suse 5.2 with kernel 2.0.31) sees
> it but can't access the file system (bad block  errors wrong sector size
> ..  this is from memory so excuse the incorrect words !!). I did make an
> ext2 filesystem on the disk and can mount that and use it, but I need to
> really access the FAT disks. What filesystem do you have? How do you
> tell whether the sectorsize is 1024 or 2048 ??

To be able to access disks with 2048 sector size, you need to use a patch
for your kernel or a 2.2.x kernel:

The kernel reports the sectorsize, use dmesg to see the messages.

- Matthias Meixner

Matthias Meixner                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Rechnerbetriebsgruppe                          Telefon (+49) 6151 16 6670
Wilhelminenstraße 7, D-64283 Darmstadt, Germany    Fax (+49) 6151 16 4701


From: Chris Stegmaier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: graphics card problem
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 03:53:50 -0400


I'm having a real problem with my paradise pipeline 64 graphics card, WD
9710 chipset and Xwindows.  I'm running a cyrix 686 p150+, 32m ram, 2mb
graphics card as above,
and an antiquated IBM monitor that I have no way of telling the specs
for, so I used the generic refresh rates.

My problem is this that when I start any graphics intensive app
(netscape...) all my color maps go haywire and can't allocate sufficient

Is there any sort of driver support for my graphics card?
Also, I don't seem to be able to run MakeCard for some reason...
Not to mention, SuperProbe returned my card as a generic vga or unknown

I hope I've not bombarded you with too much.

Tks ever so much for any help that you may be able to provide



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Brown-Bayliss)
Subject: Yamaha OPL3 SAX Help
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 18:59:37 +1200

Hi, has anyone got a working solution that a newbie could follow?  



From: Tom Martinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Newbie humble Q: can't run autoboot.bat at D:\
Date: Sun, 09 May 1999 23:25:58 -0500

I would guess that you are not able to access the CD-Rom from your Dos Prompt.
What you need to do is to make a boot floppy for your Windows Machine (Dos boot
floppy) and either install MSCDEX.EXE onto the machine or Boot from the Floppy
and have MSCDEX.EXE configured on the floppy.  I am sorry that I can't help you
more but I have long since given up the MS world.

Tom Martinson


> Hi Group,
>     I hope somebody can point me to a better place if this is not the
> appropriated ng to discauss this question.
>      I got the redhat linux 5.2 installation guide with the free CD from
>  Soon I realized that I need the boot discatte, or run autoboot
> at cd-rom.  However, at dos prompt the machine can't recognize d drive.  I
> suppose I need some driver.  However this is school's box I'm messing around
> with.  I have absolutely no idea where to start.
>   I suppose I can get a bootdisk from a new linux distro (openLinux2.2 is
> cheap) or get a linux 5.2 box from ebay.  Any other recommendation?  Any
> program that can format a floppy disk in linux format and make a linux
> bootdisk from the dos prompt?
>      Any input is greatly apprecated.
>                          CY
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: Marcus Michalek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Xircom CE3 (10/100) driver wanted
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 09:05:36 +0200

I'm running Redhat Linux 5.2 (2.0.36 kernel) on an IBM Thinkpad 770.
My NIC is a Xircom CE3 10/100 and the driver "xircr2ps_cs.o" doesn't yet
support the card.
The driver recognizes the card correctly, but no ping is successful
although the green LED of the cable is shining.

Has anyone an idea, where I can find a working driver?



From: "Morten Eriksen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux display driver for Matrox G200
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 09:15:53 +0200

Does anybody know how where to find and how to install subject ?

  Morten Eriksen


From: Swietanowski Artur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie vs Linux: Comment on this system.
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 11:13:45 +0200

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> : I'd stay away from Samsung hard drives (and many other things as
> : well). Go IBM/Seagate. I didn't use Maxtor or Quantum for a long time
> : now, but I'd still prefer either to Samsung.
> What exactly is wrong with the Samsung drives? 

High failura rate, I'd say. I don't insist it concerns all of their 
models, esp. since I have been avoiding them for the better part of 
last three years. Through no fault of mine I now have a relatively 
new one (4.5GB EIDE) that gives me some worries through erratic 
behavior (regularly at bootime, less regularly in other 

At the time I learnt not to use them, it was through good contacts 
with a few PC vendors' service dept's. The people there told me 
specifically to avoid Samsungs because of high error rate, including 
large number of problems leading to complete data loss. And I know 
their sales dept's had a rather hefty commision on sold Samsungs 
(much better than, say, on IBM's or Seagates). This is why those 
poor guys at the service desks saw a large number of returned 
dead (or otherwise mulfunctioning) Samsungs going their way in 
a relatively short time. 

I haven't seen any strictly positive comments ever since. Even your 
comment does not appear to be *strictly* positive, even though you 
mention a batch of trouble-free disks. And this is still the first 
mention of Samsung disks as trouble free that I recall ever seeing. 

Artur Swietanowski                    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institut für Statistik,  Operations Research  und  Computerverfahren,
Universität Wien,     Universitätsstr. 5,    A-1010 Wien,     Austria
tel. +43 (1) 427 738 620                     fax  +43 (1) 427 738 629


From: "C. E. Scheetz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: PCI modems in linux?
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 04:25:21 +0000

PlatoAtAccesswestDotCom wrote:

> Richard Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >We do have a PCI modem that is NOT a "Win" modem, it is controller based,
> >and uses the Lucent Venus chipset.
> The info on your company home page does NOT support you assertion.
> Give us a link to info that DOES support you assertion.

I am replying to this because this is also an interest of mine - the
information below is lifted from  As you can see, it lists 5
chipsets - and only one of them is a "softmodem" or controllerless modem.
The other 4 have controllers (I am assuming so; let me know if I'm wrong on
this so I don't persue it further) but were still marketed as "Winmodems"
because they had no intention of supporting drivers for anything but Win9x.
So could this mean that many fully chipped PCI modems were marketed as
Win-modems because they didn't offer an OS2 driver?  My RedHat 5.2  /proc/pci
reads this chip off of the bus as stating that it has a L56xMF chipset.

So hard is it going to be to get these modems to work under linux?

          V.90/K56flex Modem Chip Sets-Features by Product



                       **Soft modem.

                       Top of Page

Chris Scheetz


From: Bud Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tough Question About Linux
Date: 09 May 1999 12:51:03 -0500

Heads up, people.  These are serious, thoughtful questions that deserve
serious, thoughtful answers.  If we want to see Linux on the desktops in
corporate America, we need to answer these carefully and well.


> From: Bill Case
>           President
>           BCConsulting
>           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>           618.654.3650
>           "All's Well That Ends Well"
>  I have a consulting company here in Highland, IL. We are following Linux
>  very closely. We have a question regarding the newly released OpenLinux
> 2.2 which just recently hit the retail channel. StarOffice 5.0 is included
> with the package. Is this the "full" StarOffice 5.0 or just a limited
> "personal edition"?

There is no functional difference between the Personal Edition and their
commercial offering.  The only difference is in the license terms.  The
Personal Edition is free for non-commercial use.  For commercial use (which 
I presume would apply to your situation) you would need to purchase the
commercial license.  It is quite reasonably priced.  In any case, you get
something like a 30-day trial period before you have to commit yourself.

> We are looking for the best way to introduce this (Linux) into our
> organization and our clients. We are very impressed with the reviews but
> are concerned about a few things. Caldera uses KDE as the Gui and Redhat
> uses GNOME. Without actually using them, it's impossible to tell which is
> best and more importantly if one will become a standard. We have relied
> on the reviews and they seem to be mixed as to which Gui is best and will
> subsequently become the standard. Can you share your input on this?

What follows is mostly my personal opinion.  No doubt you will get many
others.  I use KDE.  It is mature enough and stable enough that I would
recommend it as a standard desktop in a production environment.  I know of
at least one state agency in my home state that is currently evaluating a
combination of Linux/KDE/StarOffice as a possible standard for their

I have not actually used GNOME except for a brief flirtation with an early
beta version, but I have tried to follow its development.  From comments in
newsgroups and mailing lists, I get the impression that GNOME is not quite
there yet, but is catching up fast.  I think in the near future the Linux
community will have at least two stable, functional desktop environments to
choose from.  Also, I think it is important to note that the two are not
mutually exclusive.  I haven't tested this myself, but I understand that
most GNOME apps work with KDE and vice versa.

> We also have questions about Linux in general. The issues are hardware
> compatibility. If your answers are what we expect, we will purchase
> OpenLinux 2.2 and install it on a test system that has Win95B and use the
> dual boot capability. The test system has a HP820 CES deskjet printer and
> a Umax Astra 610p (parallel port connection). The system itself  (CTX
> 233mhz Pentium II) has a Soundblaster compatible sound card, Cirrus Logic
> 546X AGP Video Card-4 meg video, 96 meg memory, Tatung 24x CD-Rom
> and a 4.3gig Quantum Eide Hard drive. It also has a 56k V.90 modem
> with the Lucent chipset (believe-not sure-this could be known as a
> Winmodem).
> Can we expect OpenLinux 2.2 to recognize all these peripherals so that they
> will be functional? Do not believe that there is anything extraordinary in
> this configuration, but feel it would be the best test system for us.

I'm not personally familiar with OpenLinux, or with most of that hardware.
Come on, folks.  Who has actual personal experience with OpenLinux and the
specific hardware mentioned?  This guy needs clear, specific answers.

> Thank You and the concept you put together with this package looks great.
> We look forward to hearing from you very soon as we would like to steer
> our client base (and ourselves) away from Windows 9x and NT.

Hear that?  This is a real opportunity.  Help this guy with the information 
he needs.

> Best Regards
> Bill Case
> This msg was sent to Caldera days ago and we have not received any response.
> Any help would be appreciated.  If you don't mind, please include an email to
> Thanks in advance.
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    

Hope this helps.


  Linux twocups 2.0.36 #5 Mon Mar 15 21:01:56 CST 1999 i686 unknown


Subject: Re: Linux-Preinstalled
Date: Sun, 09 May 1999 19:30:29 +0000

I've got a VAR XMP and I'm having a great time with it. I've run into a
couple of problems but only one I've not been able to fix so far.

Seems this model as the Intel 440GX motherboard with CS4232 sound chips.
While it seems to be supported using sndconfig - I've never been able to
get it to work. I had to fall back on sound blaster. I understand it's
currently running in 8 bit mode only. VAR says they are sending me a new
sound board.

The manual that comes with the XMP contains pretty good details about
each of the hw components from the manufacturer. There is little
included about how this machine was specifically set up. I've had to do
a little digging to figure some things out - but it's only made me

Tech support has been very helpful. They respond quickly to emails and
have a searchable database on their site for looking at past problems
and solutions.

If you have any specific questions, send them along.

> Does anybody have experience with VA Research or Penguin Computing
> workstations?
> ie. Are they any good?

Kevin der Kinderen


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Brown-Bayliss)
Subject: Re: Yamaha OPL3 SAX Help
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 21:46:45 +1200

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Brown-Bayliss) wrote:
> >Hi, has anyone got a working solution that a newbie could follow? =20
> >
> Yes use a kernel before 2.1.32.. or less than 16Mb in your system..
> The problem is the 1 DMA channel limit of the newer kernels if you have m=
> ore
> than 16Mb in your computer. the older kernels do not have that problem.

Could I not add another DMA channel?  If so, what steps do I need to re-




Subject: Re: ATI Rage Fury 32 MB AGP video for linux?
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 09:41:42 GMT

ATI wrote to Graham Parkinson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in response to
ATI Rage Fury 32 MB driver request:

:  MetroLink, Inc

I believe MetroLink's support is listed under ATI Rage II.

:  Xi Graphics Incorporated

Xi Graphics definately supports it by name, but the support table doesn't
indicate overlay support, which is what I need for a 3D package
called Houdini. :(

XFree86 doesn't have support listed yet.

I'm in the process of assembling my own Linux box and thought this
card would be perfect for a few years, as it seems to be the bleeding
edge at this point.  I guess it's so bleeding edge that drivers are
still being worked on.

Vinh Le


Subject: Re: Jaz 2gb external scsi and Linux
From: Ernst-Udo Wallenborn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 10 May 1999 10:10:15 +0200

Ralph Alvy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thanks for replying, Hunter. No, /dev/sda4 is definitely my Zip 100 paraport
> drive. Has been for a while now. And after installing my 2940UW scsi host
> adaptor and external scsi Jaz 2gb drive, /dev/sda4 is *still* my Zip 100
> drive.

Do you have SCSI support enabled in the Kernel? Afaik the pps module
that specifically addresses the parport zip and the generic scsi
support in the kernel are two different beasts (i have a ppZIP
and scsiJAZ, too, and i had to fry a new kernel to get the JAZ runnning) 

Ernst-Udo Wallenborn
Laboratorium fuer Physikalische Chemie
ETH Zuerich


From: Bradley M Keryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: funny error, maybe hardware malfunction
Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 19:16:54 -0400

On Sun, 9 May 1999, dr_alkad wrote:

> hello users!
> can anybody interprete the following error message?
> i get this every now and then, and i suppose it is a hardware problem
> i'm facing here, maybe
> CPU or RAM related i don't know...
> any ideas?

It could be anything. You need to decode the oops to figure out where it
occurred (the numbers are useless without looking up what they mean in the file from your machine).

Look in /usr/src/linux/scripts/ksymoops for the oops decoding program.

> thx for any help,
> dr_alkad
> Numbercruncher: ~ # Oops: 0000
> CPU:    0
> EIP:    0010:[<001c4a8c>]
> EFLAGS: 00010206
> eax: 01120408   ebx: 03813760   ecx: 03815000   edx: 00000206
> esi: 02199d18   edi: 0804c708   ebp: 03818518   esp: 01f53f3c
> ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs: 002b   ss: 0018
> Status: RO
> Process kerneld (pid: 58, process nr: 13, stackpage=01f53000)
> Stack: 02199b98 01f4d218 0804c708 bffffb50 0011b1ae 01f57128 02b2e025
> 001c4f22
>        03818518 03817a24 00000001 03818518 00116239 01f72810 0804c71c
> 02b2e025
>        02b2e025 00111c1c 01f72810 02e5a198 0804a000 00000000 00111b00
> 0804c71c
> Call Trace: [<0011b1ae>] [<001c4f22>] [<03818518>] [<03817a24>]
> [<03818518>] [<00116239>] [<00111c1c>]
>               [<00111b00>] [<0010aba0>] [<0010aa15>]
> Code: 8b 43 28 85 c0 74 06 56 ff d0 83 c4 04 8b 1b 85 db 75 ed 8b



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Remco van den Berg)
Subject: Re: asus and scsi
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 10:48:58 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Kari Laine wrote:
>I have following questions concerning asus and scsi.
>I recently bought a computer which has ASUS P2B-DS motherboard and I
>have problems with it. First question is about the different
>SCSI-ports onboard. I have little difficulties to understand these new
>SCSI stuff.
>It has Adaptec 7890 scsi adapter. There is three SCSI-ports onboard:
>1. 68-Pin Wide SCSI Connector
>2. 50-Pin SCSI Connector
>3. 68-Pin Ultra2 SCSI Connector
>How are these related to each other:
>1. Are they three different buses each terminated at the controller

probably not.  

>2. I have used two of them and devices seems to use numbers on one bus
>so it seems it is just three connectors connected to same bus - is
>this correct? If so how there can be three connectors to same bus and
>how should termination be made?

Yes correct.
You should only use 2 of them maximally. If you only use 1 then the
controller will be automatically terminated.

>Best Regards
>Kari Laine



From: Luke Ordelmans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: yamaha724
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 11:45:16 +0200

Probably your only optoin is, there they have an
driver for this card, but it's commercial, so you have 2 chioces: pay
for it, or use your card only 20mins at the time and then reload the
There is no free linux driver for it...

Luke Ordelmans

Piotr wrote:

> I've red-hat 5.2 and I have a problem with Yamaha Soundsystem 724.
> I can't install this card. Please help me.
> pawels.


From: "C. E. Scheetz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: No modem response
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 05:00:36 +0000

I've noticed that a lot of people have been saying they use /dev/cua* - Even
RedHat 5.2 sets up a serial mouse to /dev/cua*.  The cua devices, as far as I
knew, were obsolete - and that one should should use the /dev/ttyS* devices
instead.  I even rm the cua devices and create symlinks to /ttyS.

Chris Scheetz

Greg Millen wrote:

> I am a newbie to Linux and cannot get my modem to respond. I read the man
> pages and the posts in this group plus some other info sites, no joy so far.
> In the BIOS my COM2(cua1) shows 2f8.
>  setserial /dev/cua1 shows 2f8 and IRQ3.
> setserial /dev/modem shows 2f8 and IRQ3.
> /dev/cua0 is the mouse and set to 3f8 IRQ4.
> If I go into minicom and try to dial with CTRL A D and ISP number the modem
> does nothing.
> setting local echo and ATZ or ATI shows no response also.
> The modem is a 33600 and has a Rockwell chipset and labelled :
> R6749-25
> 9722 B29731-3
> The modem worked previously in W98 so I am assuming it is not the modem
> hardware.
> Any help appreciated.


Subject: Re: Yamaha OPL3 SAX Help
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 11:59:13 +0200

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Brown-Bayliss) wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,=20
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Brown-Bayliss) wrote:
>> >Hi, has anyone got a working solution that a newbie could follow? =3D=
>> >
>> Yes use a kernel before 2.1.32.. or less than 16Mb in your system..
>> The problem is the 1 DMA channel limit of the newer kernels if you hav=
e m=3D
>> ore
>> than 16Mb in your computer. the older kernels do not have that problem=
>Could I not add another DMA channel?  If so, what steps do I need to re-

I tried it as the How-to describes but nothing.. keep getting the error "=
many DMA channels needed"




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