Linux-Hardware Digest #201, Volume #9            Sun, 17 Jan 99 15:13:54 EST

  Re: Serial printer cable (Keith Brilhart)
  Re: Want Linux bogomips numbers for Intel PII-450 (Bjorn Lindgren)
  Eiger Labs EPX SS-1000 (Frode Hatlevik)
  Re: ATI Xpert@Play AGP vs. ATI Xpert@Play 98 AGP ("Aaron")
  Re: Winmodem or no?? (Michal Jaegermann)
  Re: Better resolutions with CL-5430 ? (russell clarke)
  zip and scsi emulation (Victor the Cleaner)
  386 revival - problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: 3Com Megahertz Ethernet Driver (Roberto J Peon)
  Re: My partition choice (Ian Hay)
  Re: Which CPU to upgrade to? (John Auld)
  driver for EISA, NCR 53cF94-2 (Jokela Pirkka)
  Re: System Beeps (Ashley Drees)
  Re: modem fails under Linux... ("Daniel P. Fraga")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Keith Brilhart)
Subject: Re: Serial printer cable
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 18:20:45 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daniel Taylor) wrote:

>Use Jim Howes' diagram.
>The DB25 serial port on the back of a typical PC
>is a DTE serial device, same as the printer.

Yes, I followed his diagram and it works.  

I have however, stumbled by trying the 'setserial' command with the
idea of operating the printer with a 19200 baud serial connection.
Now, the printer just blinks at me after advancing a sheet of paper.
I'm confused over the baud_base and divisor parameters.  If I want to
have the printer communicate at 19200 baud, then shouldn't baud_base
be 19200?  Should divisor be 16, the default value?

>Jim Reidford's diagram is appropriate to connect
>a PC serial port or printer serial port to a modem, 
>which is a DCE (Data Comm Equipment) device, though
>it is a bit odd in that it carries through the clock
>signals (perhaps for a CSU/DSU). It might also be the
>pinout for a DB25 parallel cable (which I do not have
>at hand to verify).
>In short:
>2-3,3-2,7-7 (DB25-DB25)
>2-2,3-3,7-5 (DB25-DB9)
>2-3,3-2,5-5 (DB9-DB9)
>Jim Reidford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Jim Howes wrote:
>>> Keith Brilhart wrote:
>>> >
>>> > I have my zip drive on /dev/lp0 and no second parallel port, and would
>>> > like to use my printer.  There seem to be two options...install a card
>>> > to add another parallel port, or to use my printer as a serial printer
>>> Assuming a DB25 at the printer end, you need a cable with at minimum,
>>> the
>>> following connections:
>>>    Printer End                    System End
>>>                                   DB25 pinout DB9
>>>         2 (TxD)  ---------------  3 (RxD)     2 (RxD)
>>>         3 (RxD)  ---------------  2 (TxD)     3 (TxD)
>>>         7 (GND)  ---------------  7 (GND)     5 (GND)
>>Sorry to butt in but what you need  for 25 to 25 is
>>Sreeen    1-------------1
>>TX        2-------------2
>>RX        3-------------3
>>RTS       4-------------4
>>CTS       5-------------5
>>DSR       6-------------6
>>Sig Gnd   7-------------7
>>CD        8-------------8
>>         15-------------15
>>         17-------------17
>>DTR      18-------------18
>>Can't remember the DB9 pinouts but the main thing is not to cross RX &
>>Jim Reidford
>>"Due to financial constraints,
>>the light at the end of the tunnel 
>>has been turned off until further notice !!"
>Daniel Taylor      Digi International   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And I say to you tonight that the GNU World Order
will be a Kinder and Gentler place!

Keith Brilhart
boy genius


From: Bjorn Lindgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Want Linux bogomips numbers for Intel PII-450
Date: 17 Jan 1999 18:10:44 GMT

In Thomas Womack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In comp.arch Bjorn Lindgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> : What benchmark should i use to check that my PII-450 is a real PII-450 and
> : not a remarked 350/400, i dont have access to other PII-450's so i need a
> : open benchmark that there numbers for. any suggestions?

> I'm afraid that's something you can't check.

> You can discover whether your machine is running at 450MHz - the bogomips rating
> correlates almost perfectly with clock speed - but you can't easily check whether
> it's a P2/450 or a P2/400 running at 450MHz.

Ok, I see, its bad that there not are any tag inside the CPU design that tells
what modell it realy is, that whould put an end to these remark scams.
Well, thanks everybody for all help anyway.

Bjorn Lindgren

Do you want Virtual Reality for your PC?
go to


From: Frode Hatlevik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Eiger Labs EPX SS-1000
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 13:29:56 +0100

Does anyone know hot to get the Eiger Labs EPX SS-1000 SCSI card to work under
Linux? (Red Hat OR SuSE).

It would be preferable to get it to work under the installation process, since
my CD-ROM is SCSI, but I can also use my Ethernet card for install purposes.

Frode Hatlevik
Student of Computer Science
Bergen College of Higher Education


From: "Aaron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: ATI Xpert@Play AGP vs. ATI Xpert@Play 98 AGP
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 12:28:33 -0600

I've been trying to setup the Xpert@play AGP card with RH-5.1 and haven't
been able to get the MAch64 Server to run. All that works is the VGA driver.

Did you do anything special with the installation?  Could you forward me
your config file?

Raymond Lillard wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I have the AGP version of the Xpert@Play98 working with RH-5.2.
>Just this afternoon I purchased the PCI version of the same card
>for an older machine.
>The AGP installed with Mach64 server as distributed on the RH CDROM.
>I'll let you know if there I need to do anything unusual to get the
>PCI card to work.
>One hint, use "xf86config", not "Xconfigurator".
>Save my email address in case you have problems and I will mail
>you my config file.
>Dan Finn wrote:
>> Just wondering if anyone out there is using the either of these cards
>> RedHat 5.2 or xfree86 3.3.2.  On RH's compatibility list it says the
>> Xpert@Play agp is supported however it doesn't say anything about the
>> Xpert@Play 98.  I've read about the 98 version and it seems like a really
>> good card for the money but I cannot find the Xpert@Play for sale
>> What I would really like to know is this : is there a difference between
>> this two cards and/or has anyone had trouble setting up the Xpert@Play 98
>> with RH 5.2.  Any suggestions of other relatively cheap (around $50)
>> cards that are agp and work with RH 5.2 (out of the box) would be really
>> appreciated.
>> Dan Finn


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michal Jaegermann)
Crossposted-To: comp.modems,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Winmodem or no??
Date: 17 Jan 1999 18:23:53 GMT

Bjorn Wesen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: All PC's and notebooks sold during the last 2 years have had USB on the
: motherboards.. and now with the iMAC _only_ having USB and Firewire, you'll
: get even more devices.


: USB support for Linux is really needed soon :)

That would probably move somewhat faster if people with the
hardware on hand would take part.



From: russell clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Better resolutions with CL-5430 ?
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 23:35:54 -0500

Nigel Hunter wrote:
> I am using a 2Mb CL-5430 graphics card with Red Hat Linux 5.2 and KDE.  Is
> it possible to get more than 256 colours and/or 800x600 ?  I have tried a
> range of settings using XF86CONFIG but I have yet to obtain better
> resolutions than 800x600x256.  I have made sure that the 2Mb of video RAM
> has been included and I have also pushed out the specs for the monitor.  I
> have been using the generic SVGA X server because the accelerated ones
> which seem to offer higher resolutions do not support my card.
> Thanks

The SVGA do support higher resolutions
try starting X by typing startx -- -bpp 16 
                         startx -- -bpp 24
        That tells the server to run in 16 bits per piel/24 bits per pixel

If not...Dont use a config program Try editing the XF86Config file by

Read up on the configfile in the man pages.

well emjopy
russell C


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Victor the Cleaner)
Subject: zip and scsi emulation
Date: 17 Jan 1999 18:26:51 GMT

I have a zip drive on the parallel port which I have used for a couple of years under 
2.0.32 kernel. I upgraded to 2.0.36 to be able to use scsi emulation with a hp7200 and 
now the ppa module refuses to load. The response is as

[root@p166 wrightdg]# insmod ppa
/lib/modules/2.0.36/scsi/ppa.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
[root@p166 wrightdg]# 

I have tried to find some bumpfh on the scsi emulation stuff and tried to find out why 
it won't load the module but......

In /proc/scsi/scsi

[root@p166 scsi]# cat scsi
Attached devices: 
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor: HP       Model: CD-Writer+ 7200  Rev: 3.01
  Type:   CD-ROM                           ANSI SCSI revision: 02
[root@p166 scsi]# 

Any help welcome. Thanks.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: 386 revival - problems
Date: 17 Jan 1999 14:48:23 GMT

Hi folks,

today, I decided to revive my girlfriend's old 386 which was out of use for
quite a while...
The system has an AMD386DX40, a Cyrix "Fast Math" 387 clone, AMI BIOS,
32K cache and currently 8MB memory (will be 20MB soon). I intend to have
it running as workstation[0] / X terminal connected to my own PC.
So I went and replaced it's cute li'l 40MB IDE drive[1] with a 540MB EIDE I
had lying around and installed a CD-ROM provisionally, so I could install
RedHat 5.2. Unfortunately, I ran into several problems:
 - first, the install bailed out with a crc error. Obviously, I was
   suspicious of the RAM chips, but after a few experiments, I discovered
   that the install would proceed, if I switched the "Timing Parameter
   Selection" in the advanced section of the CMOS setup from "Extended" to
   "Normal". The built-in help describes this as "DMA timing, ROM timing(?!)
   and AT bus cycles(?)", with "Extended" being "worst case" and "Normal"
   being "best case". Extended is default.

   - later, I discovered that this very option switches back to "Extended"
     whenever I reboot the machine. I suspected the CMOS battery, especially,
     as this PC was off for a very long time (I had to re-program the CMOS
     when I first switched it on) - but that parameter is the only "volatile"
     one (well - and the clock is very slow...), all others are fine.

   - after I managed to finish the install, the machine booted fine (even
     with that "Extended" setting). Strangely, Linux only recognises 6MB
     instead of all 8MB (according to cat /proc/meminfo and top) - never seen
     something like that happening before.

   - the second odd thing is that fdisk complains about not having the
     geometry information for the hard drives. I discovered this when I added
     another 120MB IDE drive as hdb. Both drives are set properly in CMOS, but
     fdisk comes up with 0 0 0 for cylinders, headers and sectors. Very odd...

Now, if anybody out there has any ideas as to what is going on with this
machine, I'd be very grateful to hear them, as I'd really like to get that
PC going again - if possible. I'd be happy to supply more information if

Thanks in advance,


[0] for sufficiently low values of "work"...
[1] monster drive - twice the height of the 540MB drive... :-) ...and twice
    as loud...
Thomas Ribbrock           | "You have to live on the edge of reality -
                          |    to make your dreams come true!"
Limerick / Ireland        |


From: Roberto J Peon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3Com Megahertz Ethernet Driver
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 13:27:02 -0500

You need to get the pcmcia distribution from somewhere around:

If you're running RedHat, you install as the instructions instruct.
Then you move the pcmcia config in /etc/rc.d/rc3/
from whatever it is to S09pcmcia.
(just make sure its before networking)

There you go.

-Roberto JP
(This worked on my tp600)


> Whoops, Thats a PCMCIA card not PCI.
> Martin DeGeorge
> On Tue, 12 Jan 1999 20:25:48 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Does anyone know which Ethernet driver is supposed to be used with the
> >3Com Megahertz 10/100 Lan CardBus (pci card) Ethernet controller?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Martin DeGeorge
> >


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.unix.questions,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: My partition choice
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 10:02:54 -0500

Ilya wrote:
> I'd like to know if this will work pretty well for a personal workstation
> and if I can improve this setup in any way. Redhat 5.2, 9.1GB hard drive.
> So far, I am thinking about this partition setup.  I will assume that the
> real capacity is about 90% of the pre-formatted 9.1GB capacity.
> /swap    512  MB
> /tmp     350  MB
> /usr     4096 MB
> /var     1648 MB
> /home    1024 MB
> /        512  MB
> /proc    48   MB

Well, first, as far as I know /proc is a virtual filesystem, and doesn't
actually use hard-drive space.  Don't allocate a partition for that.

Subject to suggestions by others, I would suggest giving yourself -much-
more in /home.  Unless you are planning on doing your ordinary business
as root (not recommended), stuff that you download (pic's, music,
movies, etc) will likely go into your own user directory.  Programs
(tar.gz's, rpms), of course, can go into /usr, but you might want to
give yourself, as user, a little more leeway.

Also, if you're planning on using your system as a personal workstation,
it is unlikely that /var will need anywhere close to that amount.  /var
usually gets filled with news spools, mail spools, etc., which is of
concern to a mail or news server, and not necessarily a workstation.

Ian R. Hay                 <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Toronto, Canada      <>
***  Update -- visit my swanky, re-designed webpage  ***
Linuxing about since June 21, 1998 <Redhat 5.1 - 2.0.35> 


From: (John Auld)
Subject: Re: Which CPU to upgrade to?
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 15:02:04 GMT

>>The Celeron 400 is even cheaper, and easily outperforms a P-II/350.

>Just out of curiosity isn't the new celeron 366/400's not able to do the
>100Mhz (FSB) ??? There hard wired for 66Mhz and cant be changed anymore ??

A comparison of the PII 400 and Celeron 400 at shows little difference in performance
between the two chips, even though the Celeron runs on a 66MHz FSB. In
some tests (see the FPU rendering tests) the Celeron was marginaly
faster, due to the On Chip cache.

John Auld


From: Jokela Pirkka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.scsi.ncr53c8xx
Subject: driver for EISA, NCR 53cF94-2
Date: 17 Jan 1999 21:48:38 +0200


We're trying to install Linux on an old P66 server box that has a raid SCSI
controller with two chips (one per channel) saying

NCR 53cF94-2

The controller is in an EISA bus. Do any of the NCR 53xxxx drivers support
an EISA bus?

Searching for answers I found several, but nothing with this exact number
in them; which driver should I use with these chips?

I'm sorry but I don't have any docs with box that might give more info on 
the adapter..

Thanks a lot!

Pirkka Jokela   "I find
                 when I'm all alone
                 that I feel so ashamed,
                 cause all my pride is gone"  -- Paradise Lost, The Sufferer


From: Ashley Drees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: System Beeps
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 15:18:03 +0000

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Thanks for the reply.

The memory is a 64 Mg  DIMM, and is seated properly... so I guess I
might have been sold a pup.. 

How do you tell it is Parity..... it has 8 chiplets on the memory board
and one small at the end... has

TC- 10S

On the chips

COULD it be the wrong speed? (The bus is at 100 MG?)

or could the chip be faulty... :-(


This is a memory problem - you are either trying to use parity
RAM -OR- the RAM is not seated all the way. If you are installing
DIMMs, press them down until they "click" into the sockets. It
might seem as though you are about to break the mobo, but you
sometimes have to *really* force them in.
"Twas ever thus."
---Mr. Natural
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From: "Daniel P. Fraga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: modem fails under Linux...
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 15:22:28 -0200

ochre small wrote:
> What modem HOWTO?  I have been searching for one for ages?  Can anyone point
> me to one please?

        The following page may help you.



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