Linux-Hardware Digest #248, Volume #9            Sat, 23 Jan 99 07:13:49 EST

  matrox mystique 220 problem ("Sakis")
  X windows --- HELP (Ram)
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) (Ilya)
  Printcap for FS600? (Anton Klotz)
  can't configure PnP GC560PCT modem ! (Brezeanu Calin)
  Re: 3c905B running DHCP in Red Hat 5.1 ("Ryan Beesley")
  Re: Boot into Linux (Dan Nguyen)
  Re: Netgear FA310TX NIC (Gerald B. Rosenberg)
  Sound Blaster Live! or EMU10k1 support... ("Trevor Herndon")
  Re: Newbie-Having X Windows problems ("al")
  OPTi931 - make xconfig problem !? ("Jesus M. Salvo Jr.")
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) ("Mark A. Flacy")
  Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use) (Michael Meissner)
  Re: SMP linux crashes badly ! (root)
  Re: HOWTO Backup onto HP DAT Tapedrive ? (Keith Kee)
  Re: Wacom Woes... (Guus Zijlstra)
  >640x480x16bpp with Cyrix MediaGX integrated video adaptor? 
  Can I run linux on my Powerbook 5300? (Epher)
  Re: modem problems (maciej h babinski)
  Avance logic ALS 100+/redhat 5.1 snd config ("Christophe MICHEL")
  Re: nVidia RIVA TNT (Christian Missling)
  Adaptec U2W controller   AND   nVidia TNT:   Assistance required please ("A Nourai")
  Is there a "TX Pro" moderboard driver? ("Juanjo")


From: "Sakis" <sakisf@*>
Subject: matrox mystique 220 problem
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 02:00:40 -0000

i have a mystique 220 and i can't find some drivers for it to have the
ramdac turned to 220
are there any drivers around?
i cannot open my X windows


Crossposted-To: alt.uu.comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: X windows --- HELP
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 13:39:53 -0800

Hi all,

  I am a newbie and having problem in running X windows.
  My system(pentium II on BX M/B) has Redhat linux, S3 virge
  GX2 4Mb AGP display card, and Acer 54e monitor.

  The problem is when I try to run X windows , the screen
  just blinks.

  Also I am getting following message
  No server for domain.

  Which 56k modem(brand) can I use for internet connection?.

  I need your help.

  Thanks in advance.




Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 22 Jan 1999 20:48:40 +0800

In comp.editors [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Chris Ebenezer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   > Maybe the period and capitalization and their relative sizes have
>   > evolved more or less because the start of a sentence is more
>   > important than its end.  Sure, use of both is redundant, but then
>   > there is so much other redundancy in languages I'm not sure that
>   > it's worth getting worked up about it.

> Redundancy is very important in human communication.  I don't think
> that we should aim to reduce it.  Often enough, there are
> misunderstandings because of _lack_ of redundancy.

And that is a good point. Capitalization and period are redundant for a


From: Anton Klotz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Printcap for FS600?
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 10:29:04 +0100

Hi there,

I'm searching for a printcap-file with a Kyocera FS-600 entry. If you
don't have it pse send me a printcap for a PCL5 printer, FS600 can
emulate it.

Mny tnx



From: Brezeanu Calin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: can't configure PnP GC560PCT modem !
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 10:33:26 +0200


    I have a GC560PCT pnp modem and I can't configure it. I tried with
the isapnptools. The pnpdump works ok, I modified the pnpdump output
conforming with my config (port 0x2e8, irq 10), after that run isapnp.
But when I run the setserial /dev/cua3 port 0x2e8 irq 10 autoconfig and
setserial /dev/cua3 I've got an unknown UART.

    Can anyone help me ?



From: "Ryan Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3c905B running DHCP in Red Hat 5.1
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 02:13:06 -0600

rec.models.railroad removed :)... actually this is a know problem with
certain M.Boards and the 3c905B.  3COM / USRobotics said on their webpage
that this net card on some motherboards may not reset properly... As I
recall, they are working on a solution, but for present, keep powering down.
Mick Costa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>While I am not using Red Hat, I had a somewhat similar problem.  When
>you boot up your machine, check to make sure that the NIC is being
>detected.  I *think* you will see something like 01:33:0F:21 (or some
>combination like this).  If you see FF:FF:FF:FF, then I believe your
>card is not being detected.  My solution was to power down the computer
>and then bring it back up (cold boot).  When I warm boot from Win95, the
>card isn't detected.


From: Dan Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Boot into Linux
Date: 23 Jan 1999 06:44:45 GMT

Jayasuthan [VorHacker] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: [snip] Well the main reason is I have two hard disk one for 95 and
: the other for linux.


: The primary disk is configured for big cylinder [ I don't know why I
: did that now regret ] and second disk small cylinder....

Big cylinder?  What does that suppose to mean?  Yes it is larger then
your second problem but that shouldn't be a problem

: Lilo ain't supporting bigcylinder.

First please don't use ain't.  Ain't isn't a word.
What do you mean LILO doesn't big cylinder?  LILO will not boot a
kernel only if it is over the 1024 cylinder limit.  But your
harddrives aren't that big.

: Most of the time I been using loadlin and it isn't easy to get into
:  dos mode the use loadlin.
I strongly dislike loadlin.  


: I need 95 for gaming and inet access as Linux couldn't use my softmodem
: and most of my linux files in 95 partition...

I use my windows for games as well.  I don't have a problem.  What is
a softmodem?  A winmodem perhaps.

Why are do you have Linux files in your Win95 partition anyway?  Just
download them, reboot to linux, install, delete from Winbloze.

: <---------------- 6.2 GB ---------------------><---------- 3.2 GB -------->
: <-500-FAT16><-3 FAT32-><-3 FAT32 -><-3 FAT32 -><-1.5 EXT2 -> <- 1.5 EXT2 ->

Well based on your second HD, your using GB or is it MB.
I'm assuming 500MB/3GB/3GB/3GB because its the only one which seems to
make any sense.  However it adds up to much more then 6.2GB

           Dan Nguyen            | There is only one happiness in
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |   life, to love and be loved. |                   -George Sand


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gerald B. Rosenberg)
Subject: Re: Netgear FA310TX NIC
Date: 12 Jan 1999 16:17:03 PST

I have 2 clone chip based cards in my RH5.2 box that are working well.  I 
am using the drivers that came with the cards, compiled and installed per 
the Netgear instructions.  They *were* dropping about 25% of the receive 
packets when connected to an old Allied Telesis 10BT hub (vintage 1994), 
though none of my other 10BT cards/devices had any trouble with that hub.  
But no drops once I switched to new 10BT hub (vintage 1998).  

> anyone have any experience with this card in Linux?  I'm thinking about
> buying a couple for my computers at home to setup a Linux/WinNT Lan so I
> can proxy through my ISDN internal TA card.


From: "Trevor Herndon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Sound Blaster Live! or EMU10k1 support...
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 02:20:13 -0500

It is my understanding that the Sound Blaster Live card is only compatible
with SB16/AWE32/AWE64 through DOS drivers. Therefore, I am assuming that
this is why I am unable to get it to work with Linux.

Does anyone know of anything currently under development to support the SB
Live! for Linux? It uses the EMU10K1 chipset if that helps anyone. Also, if
anyone knows of a current way I could get this card to work with Linux, I'd
appreciate a response...



From: "al" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Newbie-Having X Windows problems
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 19:13:29 +1100

have a look at  at the faq and howto
if they don't support it(they should) have a look at      makers of metro x  info on available xservers
Richard Moore wrote in message <78943r$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I have a Diamond Fire GL 1000 Pro video card (AGP). Is there any way to
>configure Linux to support it?


From: "Jesus M. Salvo Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: OPTi931 - make xconfig problem !?
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 07:48:27 +0000

I was following the steps outlined in the OPTi931 Mini-HOWTO
(, and was in
"Configuring/Compiling the Kernel", using make xconfig. Basically, I
indicated that sound card support be compiled as a module, and selected
'M' (instead of 'Y' as indicated in the mini-HOWTO because sound is
compiled as a module, therefore 'Y' is disabled) for the following:

M    Generic OPL2/OPL3
M    MPU-401 support (NOT for SB16)
M    Microsoft Sound System support
M    FM synthesizer (YM3812/OPL-3) support

Now I was trying to change the IRQ, I/O, DMA, etc... settings under
"MPU-401 support" and "Microsoft Sound System support", but make xconfig
doesn't allow me to.

Am I missing something? Or are these really disabled?




From: "Mark A. Flacy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 21 Jan 1999 16:24:46 -0600

>>>>> "Erik" == Erik Naggum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Erik>   had you had a working brain, you would first have tried to
Erik>   understand the idea that you don't like, and then you would realize
Erik>   that punctuation is what _provides_ the redundancy in capitalizing
Erik>   the initial word of a sentence and enables my
Erik>   information-preserving scheme to actually work.

Except for certain standard abbreviations such as "Mrs.", "Mr.", and "Ms."
In these cases, the "." character does not indicate end-of-sentence.  Shall
I also mention enumerated lists?

Your redundancy isn't.  Your lack of capitalization would imply that you're
unlearned, but I really don't think that you give a flying f**k what I

And when it comes to non-programming issues, I really don't give a f**k
about how clever you think you are for writing in that fashion.  So perhaps
we are in reflexive agreement.


From: Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux keyboard? (For emacs use)
Date: 21 Jan 1999 16:49:16 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Richardson) writes:

> how often do you need more that one or two caps in a row?
>  (also, you can remap keys on the fly in emacs if you need to.)

Believe me, I'm finding out.  I just broke my right wrist and elbow, and have
used the Caps lock key for the first time of purpose in 24+ years of hacking
recently.  :-)

Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions (Massachusetts office)
4th floor, 955 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],    617-354-5416 (office),  617-354-7161 (fax)


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,";"
Subject: Re: SMP linux crashes badly !
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 09:58:06 +0100

Fred wrote:

I've compiled kernel 2.2.0-pre9 and everything seems to be fine ;-)))
I still have to test it though ...



Subject: nVidia RIVA TNT
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 11:16:26 +0100


I have a Intel Pentium II 350MHz MMX and 64MB SDRAM (100MHz) with a Diamond
Viper V550 16MB SGRAM AGP2x.

The problem is my videocard, Linux doesn't support it!
It is a nVidia RIVA TNT chipset I tried the P9000 server it doesn't work in
KDE and X Window System.




From: Keith Kee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HOWTO Backup onto HP DAT Tapedrive ?
Date: 19 Jan 1999 23:57:06 GMT

Carlo Trobia wrote:

> > Hi,
> >  Anyone tested a good DAT drive on the RedHat 5.x  recently ?
> > Any brand and model to propose?
> > Thanks for your help.
> > Carlo Trobia

I'm running a Seagate Scorpion 12/24GB SCSI2 drive on a Mylex BT-958
Works Great!


Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 11:23:58 +0100
From: Guus Zijlstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Wacom Woes...


Still no cigar...

Bruce Stephens wrote:


> But again, you don't need sources in order to use the Wacom Intuos
> tablet.
> You just need to ensure that you're using XFree86 3.3.2 or 3.3.3, and
> replace the provided module with the appropriate one from
> the web page: <URL:>.
> (And then edit the XF86Config file, as described.)

Hm... I did that and it doesn't work yet.
The driver loads ok, but does not speak the same language.
Some bits of my startx error log are pasted below.

> If you got Linux on a CD, recently, you'll probably find that you
> already have at least XFree 3.3.2---the free RedHat 5.1 CD I got has
> it, for example.  If not, a web site for your distribution will surely
> have suitable packages for upgrading.

Yes, I've got 3.3.2

> You *will* want to get the sources to suitable applications which use
> the tablet.  Specifically, glib-1.1.13, gtk-1.1.13, and gimp
> Configure gtk with "--with-xinput=xfree".  glib and gtk are at
> <URL:>, and Gimp is at <URL:>.

> Snips of startx error log:

XFree86 Version / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
Release Date: July 15 1998


(**) Wacom port is /dev/ttyS1
(**) Wacom X device name is Wacom
(**) Wacom suppress value is 15
(**) Wacom X device name is WacomCore
(**) Wacom device always stays core pointer
(**) Wacom suppress value is 15
(**) Wacom X device name is CURSOR
(**) Wacom suppress value is 15
(**) Wacom X device name is CursorCore
(**) Wacom device always stays core pointer
(**) Wacom suppress value is 15
(**) Wacom suppress value is 15
(**) Wacom X device name is EraserCore
(**) Wacom device always stays core pointer
(**) Wacom suppress value is 15


(**) Adding extended device "Wacom" (type: Wacom Stylus)
(**) Adding extended device "WacomCore" (type: Wacom Stylus)
(**) Adding extended device "CURSOR" (type: Wacom Cursor)
(**) Adding extended device "CursorCore" (type: Wacom Cursor)
(**) Adding extended device "ERASER" (type: Wacom Eraser)
(**) Adding extended device "EraserCore" (type: Wacom Eraser)
Wacom unable to read last byte of request '~#' answer after 3 tries
Wacom unable to read last byte of request '~#' answer after 3 tries


X Error of failed request:  BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input
  Major opcode of failed request:  130 (XInputExtension)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_OpenDevice)
  Serial number of failed request:  12
  Current serial number in output stream:  12



Subject: >640x480x16bpp with Cyrix MediaGX integrated video adaptor?
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 10:34:19 GMT

Is anyone out there running X with the Cyrix MediaGX integrated video adapter
at resolutions greater than 640x480?  I'm able to get 640x480x16bpp using the
latest SVGA xserver from XFree86 3.3.3 under Debian 2.0.  I'm trying to get
to at least 800x600x16bpp, but the xserver keeps deleting all resolutions
greater than 640x480 with a message that says something like "sync - display
must be between 8 and 24."  I'd also like to hear people's experiences with
GGI and the MediaGX.

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Subject: Can I run linux on my Powerbook 5300?
Date: 21 Jan 1999 23:00:07 GMT

Anyone with knowledge of how I can run linux on my powerbook 5300c please
e-mail me or reply to group


From: maciej h babinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: modem problems
Date: 21 Jan 1999 22:35:44 GMT

Did you perhaps buy a software modem? Try running setserial on
cua3, if it doesn't report a UART, that might be your problem.

Raphael Leplae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can get no response from my modem.

> I am using redhat linux and I have a 56k internal phone/fax modem which
> is
> currently working in windows (as I type).
> I have set the control panel modem thingy to cua3 as it is using comm4
> in
> win. I have however tried all of the others to no avail.
> I have set up ppp scripts copied off a friend with very similar setup
> using
> the stuff from logfile in windows to communicate with modem using chat.
> the chat command does nothing.
> I've also tried using minicom but it just hangs.

> Nothing I can do seems to make the modem make the audible 'click' it
> always
> makes before dialing, so It is not getting as far as picking up.

> Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


From: "Christophe MICHEL" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,fr.comp.os.linux.configuration
Subject: Avance logic ALS 100+/redhat 5.1 snd config
Date: 23 Jan 1999 11:30:04 GMT

hello world

    Anyone succeeded in correctly configure IRQ/DMA for Avance logic ALS
100+ sound card with linux ?? What values dit you choose ????

I have tried to put the same values as window's but unsuccessfully.

    This card worked fine with redhat 5.1 on a spacewalker tx Chipset with
an AMD K6 233 but my new IWILL XA100+/AMD K62 350 has made changes to
available irq's and DMA's and I can't figure which ones are the good ones. I
have tried almost every configurations in xconfig without any success.

    Someone has heard about a program that could test available values for
sound cards and /or every ISA/PCI devices hooked onto the motherboard ????

Values given by 'sndconfig freeze my bash, is there any other way?????

Mucha thanx a lot

Christophe Michel


From: Christian Missling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: nVidia RIVA TNT
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 12:13:02 +0100

BIOHAZARD schrieb:
> Diamond Viper V550 16MB SGRAM AGP2x.
> The problem is my videocard, Linux doesn't support it!
Linux does!
> It is a nVidia RIVA TNT chipset I tried the P9000 server 

Try the SVGA Server

I hope it works,

bye, Christian
        ...the torture never stops...


From: "A Nourai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Adaptec U2W controller   AND   nVidia TNT:   Assistance required please
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 16:47:33 +1100

*Are the U2W adaptec controllers (AIC 7890) supported by redhat?

*Is there any (unofficial i guess) support for TNT vid cards for x?

Please reply to this newsgroup or email me (take of the anti spam XXX pls).


From: "Juanjo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Is there a "TX Pro" moderboard driver?
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 11:59:16 +0100

  I'm new in this newsgroup, so I don't know if someone someday
answered the same question...

  Well, first of all excuses for my English, I'm improving my
knowledge as fast as I can... :-)

  I bought a very good-loking moderboard for Pentium processors
called "Top Gun" loaded with a pretty 1Mb cache L2. I'm using a
ADM K6-233Mhz processor, 32Mb of RAM and a 3'5Gb UDMA
hard disk from Seagate.
  The problem is I can't use the UDMA mode with my disk in Linux
(kernel 2.0.36). The chipset is one called "TX Pro" but I don't know
the exact name of the chipset...
  I think there isn't a driver for this kind of chipset, is this true?

  Someone can help me?

  PLEASE: send me an e-mail, if you can, with the answer.





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